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  1. GP / Physician recommendations?
  2. taking action for animals accomodations
  3. Peta names top 10 Veg Friendly Cities
  4. Why American Humane Association lie!
  5. Disposable wetwipes
  6. Vegan Purses!!!!
  7. Oklahoma vegans
  8. Calling All Black Female Vegans
  9. Vegan restaurants in Orlando
  10. Does anybody here live in Jacksonville, FL?
  11. vegan softserve in Salem?
  12. Urgent action: Live Animal Export to resume
  13. FDA to approve cloned milk for human consumption...
  14. Vegetarian Chef Conference April 2006
  15. Veggie Awards 2005!!!
  16. Help Suffering Turkeys by Educating Your Community - 300 million turkeys killed/ year
  17. Farm Sanctuary!
  18. NewFoundLand
  19. VegNews Michigan
  20. Vegan cooking course in US/ Canada
  21. chain restaurant vegan items (USA & Canada)
  22. Veg/Vegan Thanksgiving "unturkey" gathering near Gainesville, Florida?
  23. Favorite Thanksgiving Memories!!
  24. Food Network Petition!
  25. Vegan Spots in Boston?