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  1. Recipe sites and food blogs
  2. Website: The Food Revolution
  3. animal rights credit card
  4. veganvalues.org
  5. Vegan online stores
  6. Vegan Peace
  7. Hospitality course assignment on the vegan diet
  8. Link: Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  9. A email from Hot Topic
  10. Veggie TV
  11. Vegan Website Help
  12. Vegan CEO Offers Meat-Free Cafeteria
  13. ethical companies, finding them
  14. Holiday Shopping
  15. vegan art for christmas
  16. Incredibles but true!
  17. Vegan porn
  18. Uk Veggies Required For Trial
  19. Which companies to boycott and why?
  20. the Heifer organization
  21. Vegan apparel and more
  22. Pangea?
  23. Vegan documentary help....
  24. Posters for Animal Rights stalls and party policies (UK)
  25. Vegan Business Ideas