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  1. Vitamin B12 in trees (bark, moss)
  2. [mcg] 0.1 mcg. Vitamin B12/149g strawberries?
  3. B12 in burdock?
  4. [mcg] 1mcg vitamin B12 in 100ml grass juice
  5. [bio] B12 in Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA)
  6. Airborne B12
  7. [bio] B12 in mushrooms - and unwashed plants
  8. B12 in alfalfa
  9. B12 in bladderwrack
  10. [mcg] Hops (Humulus Lupulus), beer & B12
  11. [mcg] How much B12 is there in plant based diet?
  12. [mcg] Up to 0.5 micorograms daily B12 produced in the mouth
  13. [mcg] (Why) does some tempeh contain B12?
  14. [bio] B12 in algae
  15. [mcg] B12 in (organic) spinach, barley and soy
  16. [bio] [mcg] 54.5-58.6 microg/100 g in Nori (dry weight) [PMID: 11430774]
  17. Parsley, B12 or not?
  18. [mcg] 0.25 to 0.4 mcg/100 grams B12 in dried Angelica sinensis (Dong Quai)
  19. Possible B-12 elements in Indian conditions
  20. [mcg] B12 from (plant) fermentation
  21. B12 in Maca (Lepidium peruvianum, L weddellii, L. affine, L. gelidum )
  22. Sprout chick peas and B12
  23. [mcg] 80 mcg B12 per 100 grams barley grass juice
  24. [bio] [mcg] Up to 60 mcg genuine vitamin B12 per 100 g sea buckthorn & the ELISA test
  25. [mcg] 0.31 mcg vitamin B-12 pr 100g 4-year-old roots of Korean ginseng