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  1. Too much fat?
  2. how and what to eat when ill or sick...
  3. dizziness/blacking out
  4. Blood Test results
  5. are any of you nurses?
  6. Being a 'cuddly' vegan- guilt!
  7. Peanut butter - how much is too much?
  8. Rescue Remedy
  9. Do sprouted lentils have more than twice the amount of cystine?? (Moved to 'Health')
  10. Some questions about health
  11. seasonal allergies
  12. Is burnt food carcinogenic?
  13. Eating when not hungry
  14. supplements for breastfeeding mums?
  15. Wheat-free & gluten-free
  16. Forbidden cures and natural healing
  17. Veganizing the Eat to Live plan
  18. Exercise Equipment
  19. Getting back to normal eating?
  20. Solid vegetable fat
  21. vegan online diet programs (for fee)
  22. Vegan Kung Fu
  23. Gaining weight/muscle
  24. Multivitamins and Vitamin D for eczema??
  25. Do we have better body odor?