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  1. The Detox Thread
  2. Is soya bad for our health - and do we actually need soya?
  3. valerian?
  4. Do vegans need supplements? Do you take any? Which do you take?
  5. Vitamin absorption and colon cleansing
  6. Gallstones anyone?
  7. Most vegetarians are overweight?!!!
  8. Bodybuilding
  9. Anemic / Anemia
  10. Alternative therapies
  11. McBypass Nation
  12. Blood Type Diet
  13. Visiting a herbalist
  14. Is veganism the optimum nutrition of the future?
  15. Vegan diet fuels life of boundless energy
  16. Medication & veganism
  17. Donating blood
  18. Fats & fat intake
  19. Vegan doctors
  20. Best Flaxseed oil brand?
  21. Vegan NHS food
  22. nausea
  23. Soy / wheat free vegan diet?
  24. Vegans, vitamin D and the sun
  25. The Real Weapons of Mass Destruction: plate, knife, and fork