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  1. sore nipples!
  2. New Alcohol Allergy
  3. Eating Disorder Stories
  4. Non-dairy Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic?
  5. Sunspots Treatment?
  6. 1500 calorie a day diet?
  7. New vegan!
  8. benefits of keeping a food journal
  9. Bumps n bruises
  10. Nose salve?
  11. People commenting about your weight
  12. Servings vs. Hunger
  13. Losing a stone in 3 months
  14. SAM-e for depression?
  15. too much b6
  16. Polyphenol - and a list of 20 "lifespan essential" foodstuffs
  17. Calorie game
  18. What Causes Cancer?
  19. Calorie Restriction/CRON
  20. Need Vegan Homeopathic Tablets
  21. Best 'diet' book?
  22. Enamel
  23. Vegan with cancer?
  24. Antioxidants and cancer
  25. Does anyone have any knowledge about stomach ulcers?