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  1. Bone density and calcium post-menopause
  2. I need reassurance on my healthy diet...
  3. newbie
  4. Free Brendan Brazier Thrive in 30 program
  5. Bad and dry skin
  6. gluten free bread
  7. website/book about amount of vitamins/minerals etc in fruit and veg?
  8. Dealing with Loose Skin: Let's all lend a hand
  9. what's the difference?
  10. It's so difficult....
  11. Vegan/Spiritual gathering
  12. MS
  13. Diarrhea in toddler
  14. Does anyone NOT suffer from hayfever?
  15. Has anyone else seen this frustrating article?
  16. Awkward Eating - How to get the most out of not much food
  17. smoking
  18. Anti-inflammatory
  19. Weighing yourself
  20. Update from American Dietetic Association on vegetarian diets
  21. compost toilet
  22. Bikes: Damian Hirst's latest atrocity
  23. New Vegan Needs Help!
  24. Constant thirst
  25. apple diet safe?