View Full Version : VEGAN HEALTH

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  1. Article on the health of vegetarian/half vegan monks
  2. eczema issue
  3. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, MD: "In Cholesterol Lowering, Moderation Kills"
  4. How do you balance your diet?
  5. Magnesium deficiency/supplementation
  6. Chia seeds Vs Flax seed
  7. A 'little' meat
  8. I just became vegan and need help
  9. "BUSTED: Top Vegan Nutrition Myths"
  10. Confusion about vegans and life expectancy
  11. 70% Cocoa Chocolate
  12. Workout advice
  13. Omega 3,6 & 9 confusing me
  14. Need Lysine
  15. Hairloss
  16. Falling off the wagon!
  17. Vegan and Parkinson
  18. Caffeine intolerance after going vegan
  19. Minimum required fats?
  20. Diet and mental health
  21. Calcium levels
  22. Textured soy protein
  23. Cold intolerance anyone?
  24. Tips on how to be a healthy vegan?
  25. Something a bit embarassing