- Article on the health of vegetarian/half vegan monks
- eczema issue
- Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, MD: "In Cholesterol Lowering, Moderation Kills"
- How do you balance your diet?
- Magnesium deficiency/supplementation
- Chia seeds Vs Flax seed
- A 'little' meat
- I just became vegan and need help
- "BUSTED: Top Vegan Nutrition Myths"
- Confusion about vegans and life expectancy
- 70% Cocoa Chocolate
- Workout advice
- Omega 3,6 & 9 confusing me
- Need Lysine
- Hairloss
- Falling off the wagon!
- Vegan and Parkinson
- Caffeine intolerance after going vegan
- Minimum required fats?
- Diet and mental health
- Calcium levels
- Textured soy protein
- Cold intolerance anyone?
- Tips on how to be a healthy vegan?
- Something a bit embarassing