View Full Version : VEGAN HEALTH

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  1. World's Healthiest Foods
  2. Sleepy after lunch (or any meal)
  3. Heartburn
  4. scary information
  5. blood work done
  6. Allergy Testing
  7. Does taking non-vegan medicine make me a hypocrite?
  8. Healthy vegan living - thereotical question
  9. How very odd
  10. Growing bones
  11. my back issues and why I'm in pain
  12. Toothpaste Cancer Alert.
  13. A Lump
  14. Dolomite powder
  15. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  16. Candida
  17. blood pressure/cholesterol issues....?
  18. New Food Pyramid scheme from USDA Morons
  19. "Vegetarians" on the news (5/1/05)
  20. Has your weight changed since going vegan?
  21. Nails
  22. More / less energy on a vegan diet?
  23. Veganism and being an athlete
  24. E. coli
  25. Weight gain advice