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  1. Naturopathic remedies or man made remedies?
  2. workout routines?
  3. Vegans and calcium
  4. Nutrient deficiencies more common in meat eaters than in vegans?
  5. Vegans, health and sugar
  6. Atkins
  7. Vegan iron
  8. Any Ideas for a Flat Stomach?
  9. EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) causing vitamin deficiency
  10. Doctors: The Third Leading Cause of Death in USA?
  11. Amalgam
  12. Omega-3: Vegan DHA / EPA
  13. Cholesterol
  14. Microwave ovens
  15. An alternative view on vitamin supplements
  16. Weight
  17. Calories
  18. Latest report on low carb diets
  19. Wheat, gluten & celiac disease
  20. Did you have weight or health problems before you went vegan?
  21. Pilates
  22. Vitamin loss: canning, freezing & more
  23. vegan multivitamin (s)
  24. Fat and Veggie?
  25. sprained ankle