View Full Version : Human evolution and environmental issues

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  1. Environmental footprint calculator
  2. B12 - is there something wrong with nature?
  3. Biofuel
  4. Ways to help the environment
  5. Flame retardants found in U.S. food test
  6. Enviro reasons for not eating seafood or poultry?
  7. Environmentalists Go Vegetarian
  8. Roadkill, dogmatism and cannibalism
  9. Did humans always eat meat?
  10. Are we designed or 'meant' to eat meat?
  11. 5,300-year-old Iceman on vegan diet - or not
  12. Environmentalist wins Peace Prize
  13. Remains of prehistoric little people challenge human history
  14. Woody Harrelson shares his plan to save the world
  15. Environmental concerns
  16. George W and global warming
  17. IFAW, interested in saving whales and other cetaceans
  18. St Bernards
  19. Monsanto
  20. From Corn Waste to Bio-Fuel
  21. Patricia Caswell and Phillip Toyne
  22. Sort of philosophical drivel
  23. Apocalypse now?
  24. world hunger
  25. Many Americans I've mentioned the Kyoto Protocol to have no idea