View Full Version : Veggie Spoilage

Aug 3rd, 2006, 06:12 PM
Ya know,

When I look on my past I realize that I rarely ate vegetables. This has led me to not understand veggies. I bought some raspberries and they had what appeared to be spoilage (little black spots). Sadly enough, I am not sure how much spoilage is acceptable on veggies. I love bananas. I used to skip the brown mushy spots. Today, I usually eat the whole thing.

Does anyone know of a good chart/book that explains how to tell what spoilage is for many fruits and veggies? I also would like to know how sick the spoilage can make me should I eat it anyway. It seems I have downed many less than perfect looking plant foods and I feel fine. I know if there is spoilage on meat that one should avoid it, but I have no clue about plants.

Aug 4th, 2006, 10:49 AM
Hi codebug,
I posted a similar question (http://www.veganforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8992)a while ago, you might want to check it out. I used to think the same - I've eaten lots of black bits in bananas and cut the mould off the bread, and I feel fine too! But I also remember making a veggie sauce using a harmless looking tin of tomatoes and got the worst case of food poisoning ever. OK, so tinned tomatoes aren't fresh, but many things are potential sources of food poisoning and I think you can never be too careful.

Aug 4th, 2006, 05:06 PM
Thanks...that information has answered my question. Moldy veggies aren't good to eat.