Sep 23rd, 2004, 10:22 AM
Environmentalists Go Vegetarian
Environmentalists Headline Annual International Veg Food Festival
Yes, it's true: I'm one of those vegetarian people your mother and the current administration have been warning you about. And whereas a concern for the environment motivated my change in eating habits, many folks with otherwise similar environmental philosophies are not so inclined. Case in point: Not one of the large-scale, mainstream environmental organizations -- the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Nature Conservancy, etc. -- has vegetarianism in its mandate. Some are outright hostile to the idea.
Although the connection between large-scale animal agriculture and its deleterious effects on the environment isn't a new concept, it's been mostly ignored for more than 40 years. But there now appears to be a glimmer of hope on the green horizon that people are starting to come around.
Environmentalists Headline Annual International Veg Food Festival
Yes, it's true: I'm one of those vegetarian people your mother and the current administration have been warning you about. And whereas a concern for the environment motivated my change in eating habits, many folks with otherwise similar environmental philosophies are not so inclined. Case in point: Not one of the large-scale, mainstream environmental organizations -- the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the Nature Conservancy, etc. -- has vegetarianism in its mandate. Some are outright hostile to the idea.
Although the connection between large-scale animal agriculture and its deleterious effects on the environment isn't a new concept, it's been mostly ignored for more than 40 years. But there now appears to be a glimmer of hope on the green horizon that people are starting to come around.