View Full Version : Multivitamins and Vitamin D for eczema??

Jan 25th, 2007, 08:50 AM

I wanted to start taking a multivitamin supplement but also a Vitamin B complex to help with my eczema (it's driving me nuts!) but if the multivitamins include vitamin B and I also take the B complex, wont I be O.D-ing on it?? I used to work with a nutrition company that sold vitamins and stuff and they said some vitamins and minerals were dangerous if taken in high quantities for a long period of time. Will the B vitamin supplied in the multivits be enough on its own, do you think?


Jan 26th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Hi red7, maybe it's best to consult a nutritionist who is not motivated by monetary gains for your question? My opinion is that if u are eating a wide variety of food u wouldn't need multivitamins supp, so u can just add in the B vitamins alone. But if u are taking multivits, on top of a balanced diet, it seems sufficient not to take extra VitB pills. Best ask an expert on this issue :)