View Full Version : Help Al Gore stop global warming - send a message to Congress

Feb 28th, 2007, 02:33 PM
Hey guys ~

Every bit we can do helps right? :)

Read the letter below from Al Gore and sign the postcard telling Congress to start taking action on Global Warming.

There is no longer a debate about the fact that global warming is real.
We're causing it. The consequences are serious, and could be headed towards catastrophe if we dont fix it. And it's not too late. I don't want to
imagine a future in which our children say, What were our parents thinking? Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance? And I know you dont either.

The hundreds of thousands of you who signed messages to Congress showed me what's possible. Working together we can unite millions of people and build support for real action on a scale that has never been seen before.

Help me take the first step and fill up that hearing room with your signatures. That picture alone will send a powerful message.


Im looking forward to working with you on this monumental task.
Thank you,

Al Gore

Feb 28th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Unfortunately, only Americans can sign this.

Feb 28th, 2007, 08:41 PM

Feb 28th, 2007, 08:52 PM
Oh no :(

SORRY... I didn't even think about that.

Grrr I sent it to a whole lot of family in New Zealand too :mad:

Feb 28th, 2007, 09:22 PM
Awe Man!! We need a UN, or world contract or something that everyone can sign!! This is great though. I signed it. This is so important!! Thank you.