View Full Version : Vegan sour cream question

Apr 23rd, 2007, 09:22 PM
Throughout a couple threads here I have seen people write about Tofutti's "Sour Supreme" and how good it is.

The vegan sour cream that I have is by Tofutti, and it says "better than sour cream" on the tub, but it's not Sour Supreme.

The reason I bring this up is because what I have, in my opinion, is pretty gross. I'm not an extremely picky eater and I like most dairy substitutes, but this sour cream is not palatable (for me at least). I looked on the website and realized that what I have is a non-hydrogenated-lower-in-fat-and-calorie version of Sour Supreme.

What I want to know, is this: have any of you tried the kind that I have as well as Sour Supreme, and can vouch that Sour Supreme will be much less disappointing? I don't want to buy another sour cream replacement if it has basically the same taste as this one.

Thanks for any help!

-the other amanda

May 1st, 2007, 10:02 PM
I have tried what you have pictured here and you are right. It's not the same as Sour Supreme and I don't like it either. I love love love Sour Supreme.

I have heard the sour cream sub recipes with blended tofu such as in the Vegan Vittles cookbook are good. I have not made them myself though.