View Full Version : Raw Food Made Easy - Jennifer Cornbleet

Sep 7th, 2007, 07:12 PM
I've been thinking about switching to the whole raw thing for a while. Partly because I need to lose weight and partly because I'd like to be healthier, and, well, all the reasons really.

I bought this cookbook to investigate going raw (or 80 - 90%, I can't give up porridge on a cold winter morning, I just can't). It looks interesting, the Nori California Rolls look FIT. Anyone got it? Any particular recipe recommendations? There's one recipe for Miso Soup which looks a bit bizarre as it involves bringing vegetables to the boil then immediately removing them from the heat and leaving them to stand for five minutes, which I'm fairly sure constitutes cooking. Also I was under the impression one had to cook soya beans to make miso, I'm not sure though.

But yes, anyway, thoughts?

Sep 7th, 2007, 07:55 PM
Have you tried soaking oatmeal in fruit juice and mixing it with grated apple and dates etc..what ever you like. It is a pretty good substitute for porridge...But I know what you mean about the warm stuff with soya milk etc...;-)

Sep 7th, 2007, 09:49 PM
Can't say I have. To be honest it's mostly the hot thing on cold days that I would miss if I were to go 100% raw, rather than porridge itself. I'd miss hot soup too, although I reckon I could cope if I got my porridge. Also porridge is by no account I can find unhealthy when made with oats/soya milk, so whilst not being raw doesn't make it ideal strictly speaking I don't have any qualms with making that my one exception.

Sep 8th, 2007, 11:01 AM
i don't think one necessarily needs to be 100% raw to make a huge difference to your life and health - you could keep the porridge in and soup and be raw the rest of the time.

be, say, 75% raw daily and choose which meal you would like to eat cooked? thats what i'm currently doing, having a cooked evening meal with my family.

have you had a good trawl through the raw vegan food zone on here?

Sep 8th, 2007, 07:30 PM
Yeah that's what I figured, mostly raw would be best as a nice compromise. I've had a look at most of the raw stuff on here, lots of interesting stuff. :) Was mostly wondering about this cookbook and shizzle.