View Full Version : Gimbals products?

Aug 31st, 2008, 05:34 PM
:pDoes any body know if the Jelly beans are Vegan? I had them when I was vegetarian, they are dairy free, egg free and vegetarian, but since I'm from the UK I have no way of checking if they are Vegan for definate. I have a relative visiting the USA and hope to ask them to bring a packet or two home and just wanted to check... ;)

Aug 31st, 2008, 06:25 PM
Jelly beans usually fall down by having a beeswax coating and it looks like these are no exception: http://www.peanutfreeplanet.com/product_p/gimbalsjellybeans20oz.htm

Aug 31st, 2008, 06:40 PM
Hey thanks for that, I looked online everywhere with no joy! I really appreciate it.
Is there any nice Vegan candy/chocolate that I could ask them to bring back??