View Full Version : Food intolerance test results - help

May 5th, 2010, 04:09 PM
I've finally got my test results back and they're worse than I thought.

The highest ones are cows milk and beef which is no worry. This is a good thing as now my brother can't badger me about drinking/eating it. Hah.

The rest are the sucky ones.

Soya bean

Ouch!! Does anyone have any advice/good recipies? My favourite food is tofu but that's soya bean :( I think the fact I had soya in my diet constantly is what may have led to this intolerance.

I'm worried about the yeast 'cos marmite is where I get my B12. Are there other good sources? Other than sperm?

Gluten always confuses me 'cos I don't know what it actually is and what it's in.

Onion's gonna be a nightmare. I put that in soups and stir fries :(

I think I'm just gonna have to suck it up and eat nuts (bleurgh XO)

If anyone has any advice please help :( I'm starting to think I should just not bother eating. All it causes is hassle.

EDIT: I also have borderline intolerances which means it could turn into an intolerance if I eat too much. These are lentils (!!!), peppers, paprika, potato, spinach and tea. What does tea mean? :/ Caffeinated, non caffeinated, herbal, fruity? Gah. I have so many herbal teas

May 5th, 2010, 04:34 PM
What kind of a test did you undergo? There's so much quackery in that field:

May 5th, 2010, 04:43 PM
It wasn't an allergy test, it's an intolerance test. It's the official york test one. If it gets rid of my stomach pains, ibs and nausea I'll be happy. I'd already figured out some of the foods from how crap I felt after eating them.

Ruby Rose
May 5th, 2010, 05:23 PM
Entirely up to you what you want to do, of course, but when we were looking for help for my partner's what-we-thought was IBS and what-turned-out Crohn's collitis, we looked into York testing, and read quite a few cautions from credible experts (such as the House of Lords enquiry here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200607/ldselect/ldsctech/166/166i.pdf - around section 8.35).

For the record though, we also tried things like an exclusion diet - which did definitely relieve the symptoms in the short term, but which was really nutritionally diminished, and probably delayed the eventual real diagnosis (which is now largely controlled by medication).

Not saying, of course, that you should do anything other than you have already chosen to do - but that looks like a hell of a lot of nutritious foods to be cutting out of a balanced diet permanently if you don't absolutely need to...

May 5th, 2010, 05:26 PM
How do you know if you have chrohns?

Ruby Rose
May 5th, 2010, 06:35 PM
It was diagnosed by a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the hospital after a whole range of tests. Please don't panic though - it's rare, and the symptoms are much more severe than IBS. In my partner's case, he was a smoker at the time, and that supressed the severity of the symptoms, so when he stopped, he became very ill. Have you been to your GP about IBS symptoms?

May 5th, 2010, 06:48 PM
Yeah. He told me to stop being stressed. I have OCD :/ so I can't stop that. I can try by meditating and being healthy, but I can't get rid of it.