View Full Version : Meat eating and alzheimers

Dec 16th, 2010, 03:30 PM
My sister who is non-vegan has mentioned numerous times that "somehow veganism can have an effect on the brain and may be a factor in alzheimers"

As weird as this claim may be, does anyone know of any info to back her story?


Dec 16th, 2010, 03:53 PM
I thought this was interesting,


Dec 16th, 2010, 03:58 PM
If you Google it, you'll find that it relates to having a low B-12 level which some meat eaters have, too! Here's the link to the Google search:


Dec 17th, 2010, 04:35 AM
http://nutrition-software-review.toptenreviews.com/vegetarianism-a-healthy-alternative-or-an-alternative-to-healthy.html (http://http://nutrition-software-review.toptenreviews.com/vegetarianism-a-healthy-alternative-or-an-alternative-to-healthy.html)

this article I found had a lot of good info .

Thanks guys!

Dec 17th, 2010, 09:56 AM
If you Google it, you'll find that it relates to having a low B-12 level which some meat eaters have, too! Here's the link to the Google search:


Havent googled the article yet as I am at work!:mad: ! but... I had Anaemia some months ago and my GP gave me a stern lecture about the dangers of a Vegan diet and apparent B12 defficiency.

Alledgedly.. there is a link between low B12 levels and Neurological disorder. He maintained that there is a correlation between low B12 and early onset Dementia and Alzheimers, and that Vegans are particularly prone to this defficiency. Frightened the crap out of me !!!:eek:

He told me that I could try taking B12 supplements but they would not provide a fraction of the B12 my body required and sufficient levels could only be acheived through meat consumption. When I asked him about green leafy veg as a source he implied that it would take a field full of brocoli at day to reach anything comparable with the level acheived by knawing on a pork chop!!!

Cupid and I just researched the best sources of B12 from non-animal products and I made sure that I overdosed on those for a few weeks!!! I am now fine and have not shown any signs of Anaemia since. I am having regular blood tests and all my levels are normal.

What the GP failed to remark on was the fact that my long term blood pressure and circulation problems have subsided and I had lost nearly three stone! lol

Dec 17th, 2010, 11:26 AM
He told me that I could try taking B12 supplements but they would not provide a fraction of the B12 my body required and sufficient levels could only be acheived through meat consumption.

I think he was right about the importance of B12 and the fact that green leafy veg aren't a very good source, but not sure where he got the above - sounds a bit prejudiced to me. Have you thought about seeing a different one?

Good news about the blood pressure and weight (assuming you wanted to lose it!) - how long did that take if you don't mind my asking?

Dec 17th, 2010, 12:44 PM
I am almost sure he was prejudiced ;)

I think it was very irresponsible, it would have really freaked me out if I had not seen evidence to the contrary displayed in my partner and every other Vegan I have met, ( espeically as my father suffered with Alzheimers). Other 'would be' or 'beginner' Vegans may easily have been swayed away from Veganism by such comments from a medical professional.

Although I suppose from his point of view that would not have been seen as the disaster we would view it as...more likely another notch on the bedpost of the animal eating fraternity.

As to the weight...Yes I definitely wanted to lose it . It was a rapid loss at first , weight just fell away and I think I lost two stone in about four months or so as I abandoned lifelong bad eating habits. I didnt crave anything I left behind because I was too busy discovering all the new stuff that I needed to balance my diet. Also as I 'cleaned up' my mind and body I became more lively and active and took up Tai Chi and walked my dog more!

Now the loss is much slower but still steady and my blood pressure is near enough back to normal .

Dec 17th, 2010, 01:51 PM
As the first link points out (and I remember reading about it in non-veggie publications too) when older people die an autopsy is rarely carried out and they may have had CJD... AKA the human form of 'Mad Cow Disease' rather than alzheimers.

The consumption of Meat may have implications other than the (non)nutritional ones! :(

Dec 17th, 2010, 03:29 PM
On second thoughts maybe you should stick with the prejudiced doc in the hopes that he will revise his prejudices, Alice! The one time I mentioned it to a GP she seemed to think it was quite a good idea, so they're not all like that.

Dec 18th, 2010, 08:57 PM
On second thoughts maybe you should stick with the prejudiced doc in the hopes that he will revise his prejudices, Alice! The one time I mentioned it to a GP she seemed to think it was quite a good idea, so they're not all like that.

lol Harpy;)

At our medical centre there are four resident GPs and its a bit of a lucky draw as to who you get anyway! At my next visit I 'drew' at different GP who just shrugged his shoulders when I mentioned my Veganism and did not agree to a causal link between that and my Anaemia.

He was a Hindu and classed his family as Vegetarian rather than Vegan despite never having eaten dairy in his life. I can vouch that this also applies in some areas of the Sikh culture. I married into a Sikh 'Vegetarian' family and never in twenty years did I witness them eating eggs or cheese..though strangely they drank milk!

Just another reminder of how wide the spectrum of 'Vegetarian' is!:confused:

Dec 18th, 2010, 09:13 PM
Hmm, interesting. I've read that some Indian vegetarians think you should eat dairy to "honour" the cattle but that they recognise that Western farming methods don't really honour them so they may be in favour of it in theory but not practice? Although that doesn't really explain the milk but no cheese thing :confused: