View Full Version : Stupid things YOU said when you were a meat eater.

Mar 25th, 2011, 02:21 AM
I see there was some threads about stupid things meat eaters have said.
But what are some stupid things you said or ideas you had when you were a
meat eater or non-vegan.

Sometimes it's fun and healthy to laugh at our selves :D

Me thinking about going vegetarian:
"I can't go vegetarian, I wouldn't get protein and I would have
headaches and stomachaches all the time! It would be too painful.
And I could die."

I honestly thought going vegetarian was exactly like going
anorexic! SMH lol.

"Some people are born with the DNA of a meat eater, and some are born with the DNA
of a vegetarian. I eat meat so I must be born with the DNA of a meat eater."

I had no scientific proof or even theories of this, just good ol' fashion stupidity!

Me about going vegan:
"I can't go vegan, if I did there is literally NOTHING I could
eat or wear if I did."

*Face palm*

"Only rich people can go vegan"
The idea I had when I said that was that vegan safe food can only
be bought at expensive organic food stores. Lol.

"Every single thing has animal products in it. EVERY.SINGLE. THING!"

Again, SMH! lol

I can't believe I had such crazy, ridiculous thoughts.

Still, I learned and researched and now was vegetarian for a year
and vegan for a week so far.

Mar 25th, 2011, 08:48 AM
I thought that being vegetarian is unhealthy because humans are supposed to eat meat and they don't survive without it. I never met any vegetarian personally so there was no asking of stupid questions but I still believed that vegetarians were religious or very esoteric people who didn't care much about science and their own biological needs because our biology teacher told us that humans are omnivores and they need to eat meat to survive. I heard about vegans once in English class and they were described in a context where they were like a losing opposition party, getting pleasure through contradicting themselves to the common belief and thinking that they are too good, pretty, hipster or whatever to drink milk and get calcium. It was so silly that I didn't think even once that humans were the only animals who were drinking milk of another species and maybe that being lactose intolerant is the most natural thing that can happen to a grown up. Instead, being able to digest milk in old age is something that we have to learn. And we don't need meat to survive. If I had internet at that time (about 10 years ago) I would have looked up some truthful info about veganism but unfortunately the only knowledge I had was through high school biology class. J

Clueless Git
Mar 25th, 2011, 11:18 AM
Heh! Brilliant topic idea! lol

For myself I am 100% sure that I didn't say every single stupid thing that meat eaters say 'cos some of the stupidest things meat eaters say I heard for the very first time after I went veg.

Equaly sure that I did say every single stupid thing I had ever heard or thought of though ..

T'main one, the one I would have said most often was the old "Great, more meat for me!", which was about as far as my brain functioned at that time.

T'other one was not something I said as much as something I believed because I had been told it and my experience of veg-heads verified it; That being that veg-heads were weak.

Apr 8th, 2011, 09:14 PM
I never really thought much bad about being a vegetarian (lacto-ovo, mind you! As they say "I could NEVER give up cheese and yoghurt!" ;)), and I'd never even heard of vegan!

When I first went vegetarian, I was reading quite alot about it and subsequently found out about veganism. First thought was:
"WTF?! They must check ingredients for HOURS! I can't imagine walking around with an E-number-list while grocery shopping!" and "Okay, now THAT'S just extreme! I'll never become one of those!"

And lo and behold, here I am, walking around in a grocery store, E-number-list firmly grasped in my hand :o

Apr 8th, 2011, 09:20 PM

Exactly the same as my experiences and comments s92!:thumbsup:


Apr 9th, 2011, 06:06 PM
This sounds so smug (sorry :p) but I really didn't say stupid things about eating meat, because I never came into contact with vegetarians back then.

I did love the taste and texture of meat, but when I did eventually become veggie at the age of 14, it was because I'd literally just realised the process behind getting it to my plate :umm_ani:.

I was a bright kid but we lived in a rural area and all our friends had farms or their own chicken/sheep, etc, so I suppose it all seemed normal for a long time.

It was Paul Weller talking about being veggie that changed things for me (he's not any more, sadly :mad:), and then soon after that I saw a piece about animal rights on the news, and it all clicked into place!.

Apr 19th, 2011, 11:56 AM
LOL, sigen.
I remember the first time I ever heard about veganism.
I was very young (maybe 7-9 ish) and my sister mention vegans.
I asked her what a vegan was and she said "Someone who doesn't eat animals
or anything that comes from an animal"
I said, with a shocked look on my face, "What?! That's so stupid!!!"
Now, i'm one of them, haha.

Jun 16th, 2011, 03:46 AM
Hi newbie here! Been lurking for a few days but had to comment.
I remember a few months before I gave up meat in 2005 a friend in college was grossed out by me eating KFC.
Friend: Do you know how they treat their chickens?
Me: I don't care! They taste good!

About five months later I saw PETA's Meet your Meat and cried my eyes out and became vegetarian (now vegan) .

For years before I turned veg I would say I wanted to try it but that I loved meatballs and ham too much! I don't even think about those things now. So I am not too hard on meateaters when they tell me how good it tastes, I just say I was in your shoes a few years ago and could not imagine my life any other way now.

Jun 18th, 2011, 11:00 AM
Hi bahamaveggie and welcome to the forum.:thumbsup:

Your path to veganism is very similar to mine but at least we arrived!:D


Jun 20th, 2011, 08:06 PM
I never really thought much bad about being a vegetarian (lacto-ovo, mind you! As they say "I could NEVER give up cheese and yoghurt!" ;)), and I'd never even heard of vegan!

When I first went vegetarian, I was reading quite alot about it and subsequently found out about veganism. First thought was:
"WTF?! They must check ingredients for HOURS! I can't imagine walking around with an E-number-list while grocery shopping!" and "Okay, now THAT'S just extreme! I'll never become one of those!"

And lo and behold, here I am, walking around in a grocery store, E-number-list firmly grasped in my hand :o

My experience was almost exactly the same. haha :)

Sep 23rd, 2011, 04:49 AM
i used to say "im a meat, cheese, and potatoes girl" or " if it doesnt have meat it isnt a meal". like most, i went through the " i could never give up cheese" phase. i think that is why my transition to being vegan was so slow. i had to let go of one animal product at a time. now i look back and cant believe how silly i was. i could gobble down burgers, chicken wings, chinese food, and pizza like a champ. i thought i was livin the life. in reality i was a overweight, lazy, greasy bum. now i look at those foods and think that i want them ( because i think ive been conditioned to associate them with comfort). then i think twice and the craving is gone. i cant believe i was ever so addicted to such awful food.

Sep 25th, 2011, 02:23 AM
I'm trying so hard to think of what the stupidest thing I ever said about vegans is but the thing is I always respected them for caring about animals.

Sep 25th, 2011, 03:35 PM
I remember that some years ago, I was only eating foods that had meat in their composition. When I was eating soup, I ate only the meat from it and I was thinking that I couldn't live without it! And almost everything that I've liked contained a lot of sugar, cheese or meat. But, fortunately, I've become vegan :lol2:. And now I can't believe what I believed then :amazed_ani:.

Oct 30th, 2011, 01:28 PM
I never made any excuses for eating meat, I knew exactly what I was doing. If someone asked why I didn't eat veal I would say because I wanted my animal to suffer before I ate it. And they did, and that sounds really mean because it is. Maybe that got the people I spoke to to think about it. I know I did every time I ate meat and I tried to fight it because it's so much easier to fit into our society when you eat everything. In the end I couldn't do it anymore and when I finally decided to stop causing pain for my food that meant going vegan. Now I just cause pain through various other things, but at least most of that pain is accidental or because animals are stupid as hell.

Crusty Rat
Oct 30th, 2011, 03:49 PM
"It's natural to eat meat". >.<

Oct 30th, 2011, 04:17 PM
actually I think that's true crusty.

Oct 30th, 2011, 09:04 PM
"It's natural to eat meat". >.<
I've heard that as well, both as in an unexplained "it's more natural for humans to eat meat than to eat a plant based diet", but also as an (again, unexplained) "eating meat is a natural, and not a 'cultural' thing for humans" - as if we naturally equipped born with claws and real, canine teeth the way carnivorous and omnivorous animals are.

I also heard "Animals are God's gift to humans - for us to eat" recently, and decided not even to discuss that one...

Oct 31st, 2011, 01:42 PM
I also heard "Animals are God's gift to humans - for us to eat" recently, and decided not even to discuss that one...

Nice one! I guess a lion would think along similar lines of thought ;-)

Best regards,

Oct 31st, 2011, 01:58 PM
I also heard "Animals are God's gift to humans - for us to eat" recently, and decided not even to discuss that one..
Okay, I've heard this one too many times in the region where I live. This one probably trips me out the most. Seriously people. How special do we think we are to think that we would be gifted with meats, flesh and the lives of other living things?!? Aye. The train of thought behind this statement just makes no logical sense.

"It's natural to eat meat". >.<

Who ever said that, is just lacking coursework or education in sociology, history and anthropology...humans lived off vegetation (fruits, nuts, berries, etc) until the ice age or something of the sort. After vegetation was not easy to attain, humans shifted over to hunting but they did not live off meat alone. Hunting and gathering entails survival through the means of plant-based foods. People seriously need to pick up a book before they say this. Eating meat is a cultural thing as well, but personal choice is stronger than pure culture.

Nov 1st, 2011, 12:36 PM
Being a vegetarian was common sense to me even as a small child, but becoming vegan wasn't. I remember around the age of 17-18, when I met some straightedge people for the first time in my life and heard about how 'strict' their lifestyles are. I did say 'what an exaggeration!' back than. Somehow I thought being vegan was all and only about making a statement. How naive & stupid.....