View Full Version : UK: Commercial "luxury" vegan biscuits/cookies

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Jan 10th, 2013, 08:34 PM
Some of the Traidcraft ones that they sell in Oxfam shops now seem to be vegan - the ones with fruit, nuts and chocolate (not necessarily in that order). They have a x-contamination warning for the chocolate chips but otherwise look OK to me and I thought they were pretty good.

Gywdion sent me some of those, and the stem ginger ones in my food swap parcel, they're really good! :D

Jan 10th, 2013, 08:46 PM
Oh, I must try those as well then, Blueberries (not that biscuits are really one of the things that are missing from my diet :o). Traidcraft also seem to do some muesli and stuff that's vegan now - at one time it all seemed to have honey in it.

Jan 11th, 2013, 04:19 PM
I always avoid the ones which contain palm oil in it. Whereas you are not supporting the meat industry, palm oil causes the dead of thousands of orangutans, oblige people leave the place where they live in and is triggering asasination of peasants. Palm oil is NOT vegan.