View Full Version : Is it normal for vegans to have lower body temperature?

Jul 17th, 2012, 11:07 PM
I find myself being colder than the people around me. I don’t know any vegans and the people I live with are meat eaters.

When I’m idle I get cold easily but when I’m moving around my body temperature will be “normal” (the people around me idea of normal)

It’s summer time and the people I live with are freezing me with the air conditioner so I will wear my winter house coat if I’m using the computer. (The computer in the living room where the air conditioner is)

It could be really hot outside and I could sit outside and be comfortable longer than the people I live with. Example: I could, just sit, outside on a hot day for 2 hours and feel cozy while the people I know will be sweating their butts off.

I’m just wondering is this normal/healthy for a vegan have lower body temperature?
Have anyone else experience this?

Jul 17th, 2012, 11:24 PM
I am the same way (and also better adjusted to the cold in the winter) but I've always been like that.

Jul 18th, 2012, 12:32 AM
I am the same, always way colder than people I'm with, but think I was the same when I was veggie, not sure about before that as was ten when went veggie. I always swear I should have been born in warmer temperatures. Always have SO many layers on in the winter. When I smoked I thought it was because of that, but I quit quite a few years ago and still experience it... Really not sure if it's anything to do with being vegan, but possibly we have a lower bmi, so less fat to protect us in the cold?? Not sure....!

Jul 18th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I think we might have talked about this before on another thread.

I'm the complete opposite, I'm usually warmer that most people I know, my family all feel the cold more than me and are not vegan. Women feel the cold more than men and I usually find I'm siding with the men in my office when it comes to turning the heating down or air conditioning up. I've always been like this and going vegan didn't make a difference.

Did you find when you went vegan you actually noticed a difference?

Jul 18th, 2012, 04:29 PM
I've always preferred it colder and going vegan didn't change that, so I'd say no.
Though ofc I still barely use the AC... fans are far more efficient.

Aug 11th, 2012, 11:56 AM
If you by going vegan cut your protein consumtion you will lower your body temperature naturally.
A high protein consumtion leads to higher body temperatures.