View Full Version : Osteoporosis

Oct 11th, 2012, 12:45 PM
I am wondering if there is anyone here who has diagnosed osteoporosis and how you are managing it while vegan.

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis by dxa scan in 2006. I was an omnivore at the time and one year post hysterectomy and loss of both ovaries at the age of 33. I did smoke at that time. I was also a low normal weight, and I was lactose intolerant but did eat yogurt daily which didn't bother me. I had also been on thyroid meds for many years due to hypothyroidism which increased my risk of low bone density. I had a dxa as a baseline to monitor my menopausal status and was shocked to find out my T score was -3.2 spine and -1.8 hip. At that time I was treated with miacalcin (calcitonin) which has a salmon based ingredient. I refused to take the biphosphonates (ie fossomax, actonel etc) due to the long term horrible side effects and detriment to bones. I also quit smoking, started weight bearing exercise, got on a stronger hormone replacement, and took calcium and D supplements. My scores improved to -3.0 and -1.4 but then I became ill with anorexia nervosa and my weight plummeted and scores dropped again slightly.

In the six years since being diagnosed, I have been fortunate not to fracture anything yet. But...I am getting worried. I injured my right heel/ankle a few months ago while running and took some time off to let it heal. I started running again and reinjured it this week. The first doctor I went to told me it was achilles tendonitis but I just don't know. It feels more like a stress fracture (I had one many years ago in my other foot) and I know I need to go in and have it checked as I can barely walk. I have been straining muscles and tendons and bones a lot lately. I am trying to do everything I can to help myself. I tried to increase protein (due to intensive exercise), I take calcium supplements and was taking D2 but switched to a vegan D3 supplement (source of life brand which I am skeptical about but I am really worried for my bones right now and worried that D2 isnt going to be good enough; I live in the northern hemisphere so the sun at this time of year isn't going to provide for my vitamin D needs especially in my condition). I also do weight bearing exercises and I incorporate daily leafy greens in my diet as well as molasses, plant milks, and other vegan friendly bone building foods for calcium and other bone minerals. I am trying to eat more as I am slightly underweight. I get about 2000 calories a day right now but I struggle with body image and fear of weight gain.

It seems most conventional treatments for osteoporosis involve using animal products of some sort. Although the miacalcin helped, it is salmon based and I will not take it (I had to stop anyway in 2008 due to sinus problems acquired from taking it as a nasal spray). I refuse to take the bisphosphantes. D3 is not an option except trying out the vegan D3 that now seems to be on the market. I am on estrogen replacement but it is a bioidentical non animal derived synthetic version. I am thinking about getting back on a female testosterone hormone therapy (women make a small amount in ovaries and I am deficient in this area obviously).

What else can I do? I don't want to give up running but is it a bad idea to run with osteoporosis? I have been using a stationay bike a lot to stay in shape while healing from my injuries.

I know it's a long shot but if there are any osteoporosis sufferers on here I would love to hear what you are doing to manage it and if you have managed to rebuild some bone. Anyone with knowledge about osteoporosis and vegan ways to help improve it is welcome to comment also. the doctors I have been to push drugs and supplements that are not vegan friendly and think I need dairy in my diet. Sighs. Obviously it didn't help before when I ate it as an omnivore and still ended up with osteoporosis.

Oct 11th, 2012, 11:15 PM
I've no experience of your situation, I just wanted to let you know that I read your post and offer my sympathies. It sounds like a tough situation and I hope you find someone who can help you through it :D

Oct 11th, 2012, 11:59 PM
Yes, sympathies from here, too.

Weight-bearing exercise is meant to be very good isn't it, so I would have thought running was great as long as you have the right shoes etc? The not being too thin thing is also reckoned to be important. Unfortunately I'm better at the latter than the former :o

Oct 13th, 2012, 04:56 AM
Thanks for your support guys! I think I am going to call a sports medicine specialist on Monday and try to get in there. I did just get a call today from my regular doctor regarding lab work to check my thyroid. I had had my dose increased two months ago due to being too hypothyroid but this last lab showed that I have now swung the other way and am on way too much thyroid med now so I will need to have it decreased again. I had also cut out all soy to try to get my thyroid meds to work better. Guess it worked. I am hoping some of the strains are from being on too much thyroid med which can cause havoc to a person's body, including decreasing bone density. I will update after I see the sports medicine specialist and get some more definitive answers.