View Full Version : ANdrew G on Ready Steady Cook

Aug 23rd, 2005, 11:57 PM
Did anyone see this? He was against the other Australian Idol host - the one who looks like a frog. The frog guy was being such an ass, calling Andrew G Spinach pants and quoting that "no animals were harmed in this bag, but they were harmed outside the bag". You could tell that Andrew G was intimidated. It was just very disrespectful. The carnivourous meal won, but that is no surprise since Andrew G had to shop at IGA, so his options were limited. I think he brought tofu, asparagus, mushrooms and hazelnuts.

Aug 24th, 2005, 12:07 AM
It's a shame! It's not the first time that he has been unable to make a good presentation fo veganism but then - you are right - IGA would hamstring you somewhat. It would be impossible for him to discuss the killing involved in the other meal - as that would be seen to be in poor taste! :eek:

Good on him anyhow for staying strong to his convictions.

Aug 25th, 2005, 12:29 PM
If he'd have said "mmmm my food isn't covered in fecal matter and bacteria" he probably would have been censored.
