View Full Version : Need help about alfalfa sprouts. Anyone??

Oct 21st, 2005, 03:40 PM
I'm very sorry if this is tmi for anyone, but it seems that everytime I eat these, I start to smell BAD!! What is this?? I'm a new vegan so I see this as a detox, but MAN nothing else makes THIS happen.

1) no I havent tried other sprouts yet
2) it's a very bad underarm odor and urine that is the problem

Oct 21st, 2005, 03:42 PM
I wanted to just stop eating them, but if this is a detox issue, then I SHOULD keep eating them & wait it out (LOL)

Oct 22nd, 2005, 10:03 PM
Everyone's body chemistry is different, so it may not be a "detox" issue. For instance, when I eat leeks I get a different smell but my husband doesn't. Most people get a bad smell from garlic but don't consider it a detox isssue.

If you like the sprouts and don't mind the smell - eat them. But you might want to try other sprouts for the sake of your neighbors at work and home. ;)