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Oct 7th, 2008, 02:07 PM
LoL Helen - did you tip the machine on top of him? :D

Oct 7th, 2008, 02:25 PM
I get a lot of that too. About having to go through life not enjoying some type of food.

I usually tell them they place too much importance on bad food.

Oct 7th, 2008, 02:33 PM
Hehe Fiamma, that's a good way to win any argument =p

Oct 7th, 2008, 07:18 PM
LoL Helen - did you tip the machine on top of him? :D

Ha ha, no but I felt like it!! :)

Oct 8th, 2008, 05:14 PM
About having to go through life not enjoying some type of food.

Ugh, I get that one too. I try to tell them that I've discovered lots of other things since going vegan and eat a bigger variety of foods than before, but they look at me if to say "no that can't possibly be the case", or as if I've just sprouted horns :rolleyes:

Another one I got once was "why are animals made of meat if we're not supposed to eat them?" *tears hair out*

Oct 8th, 2008, 05:27 PM
Another one I got once was "why are animals made of meat if we're not supposed to eat them?" *tears hair out*
I'd reply, "For the same reason you are."

Oct 8th, 2008, 07:30 PM
"so if you were in saw, & the only way to live was to eat your way through a chicken (dead or alive) to get a key so save your life, by unlocking the cuffs behind your back, & youre tied to a chair, would you?"

my response: "not only is that irrational, if i were to eat my way through (which i would not), how would i use the key if my hands are cuffed behind my back, tied to a chair?"

How can you eat vegetables then either? havent you heard of those expirements where they say vegetables have feelings too??


Well what would we do if we didnt eat animals? let them all free? millions of chickens roaming the streets?

ha NO. im sorry, just no. haha.

Oct 8th, 2008, 07:52 PM
I got the "so what do you eat??" yesterday and I had to restrain myself by saying "nothing. I eat nothing". she then continued asking many more annoying questions :( she now says "hi vegan!" oh well.

My brother thinks up questions for every time he sees me. Usually some sort of desert island question. And his wife has asked stuff about raising children, usually ends with how it's child cruelty sigh. Her baby is only around 6 months and she's started him on baby food, and adds cows milk o_O I despair.

But I find the worst thing people say, the only that REALLY riles me up, is "oh I could NEVER be a vegan" ARGH

Oct 8th, 2008, 09:28 PM
^ ugh, I hate "oh I could NEVER be a vegan"... I just sorta roll my eyes when people say that.

This isn't so much a stupid question but I couldn't find a similar ranty thread and if I whinge about it anywhere else, nobody would understand.
Last night I was cooking falafel for dinner and dad was asking me about it, somewhere in the conversation I was like "oh yeah, it's 3 years today since I became vegan" - and he goes "I don't know whether to congratulate you or not........." this from the only person in my family who I thought was kinda cool about it. I guess not. I forget the other stupid things he said after that, because I was too pissed off. Usually I don't care that my family and people I know belittle the stuff that's important to me, but sometimes it just gets a bit much and puts me in a shite mood.

/end whingefest.

Oct 8th, 2008, 10:33 PM
^ ugh, I hate "oh I could NEVER be a vegan"... I just sorta roll my eyes when people say that.

I say, "The main two foods I ate before I was a vegan were mac & cheese and chicken fingers. I could count on one hand how many times I ate vegetables before I became a vegan."

It usually shuts them up, hah. Everyone who knew me before I decided to become a vegan thought I was totally insane, because, as I said, I was completely anti-vegetable; I only sort of liked French fries. I did eat a lot of pasta, though...?

But when people say that, I think it's at least good to remember that they're trying to establish some sort of rapport with you. I usually take it as, "I wish I were a vegan, but I don't think I could do it." That's when you show them how easy it is. :rollseyes_ani:

Oct 9th, 2008, 12:24 AM
That's a good line, Qaxt. How did you cultivate a taste for vegetables, if I may ask?

I mentioned to some people about being vegan the other day and they took it on the chin, but later started recommending a particular type of honey, and when I said I didn't eat that they looked at me as if I were a terrorist or something. I thought that was a bit odd seeing honey isn't exactly an essential component of anyone's diet :D

Oct 9th, 2008, 12:36 AM
:( she now says "hi vegan!" oh well.

Next time you see her, say "Hi omni!" all casually. She won't know what hit her (or what it even means)

Oct 9th, 2008, 03:16 AM
i would take a million quid to eat a piece a meat.

Oct 9th, 2008, 02:00 PM
I got the "so what do you eat??" yesterday and I had to restrain myself by saying "nothing. I eat nothing". she then continued asking many more annoying questions :( she now says "hi vegan!" oh well.

But I find the worst thing people say, the only that REALLY riles me up, is "oh I could NEVER be a vegan" ARGH

I generally am like "oh well i eat seaweed, & pines cones, & air, thats all i can eat right? air? mhmm" & i too get the HEY VEGAN! all the time from people, who honestly don't think anything of it.


well, i dont live, im actually dead right now. no pulse. thank youu. ha.:down:

Oct 9th, 2008, 02:15 PM
It wasn't a question....it was a statement exclaimed by this girl I used to work with. When she saw me eating a sandwich she said in a loud voice "OMG What are you doing!? BREAD'S NOT VEGAN IT'S GOT EGGS IN IT!" Then a while later I heard she'd been saying to other workers "Roxy's not a real vegan. I saw her eating bread."

Ugh. Grow up you little twit.

Someone I work with said the exact same thing to me. "You're not a proper vegan if you eat bread"!!

And my friend's Mum said that my job (for an animal welfare charity) sounded like a waste of time to her.

She also said that no chocolate is vegan and when I explained that yes some of it is, she said I am just telling myself that to make myself feel better for not being a proper vegan!!! She didn't understand that cocoa butter is not made from milk! :mad:

Oh and lots of people say things like "what do you live on? sawdust and fresh air?" Oh to be as witty as them!!!

Oct 9th, 2008, 02:34 PM
It's when you say...

"I'm a vegan"

*quizzical look*

"I don't eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy"

*look turns to horror, as if these were the only foods on the planet*


Oct 9th, 2008, 03:05 PM
*look turns to horror, as if these were the only foods on the planet*

:rollseyes_ani: right, i know that expression too well. they always think thereīs nothing to live from besides meat, dairy, eggs and fish. and one could possibly not live just from vegs, beans, fruit, nuts.... they donīt know how variable a vegan diet can be.

Oct 9th, 2008, 04:00 PM
I have just remembered that these people who were amazed I didn't eat honey asked me if I ate peanut butter. Why wouldn't I eat peanut butter? :confused: Have peanuts been reclassified as an animal and no one told me? :eek: :D

Oct 9th, 2008, 04:50 PM
Whaaaa!? You mean it's not made of baby seals, unicorn tears and people?

Nah, Soylent Green is made out of people! :D

Oct 9th, 2008, 04:58 PM
One of my sisters (who lives on a dairy farm so we have opposing views) said:

"I can't imagine putting all that work into those animals and then not eating them, how can you not eat meat and diary?"

Oh well :rolleyes:. We don't see each other very often.

Oct 9th, 2008, 08:16 PM
Freind - "Are you still - you know ummmmm"
Me - "vegan? - yes still and always vegan"

This is the second time we have had this converstaion - mind you she was veggie for years and then went back to meat eating so perhaps she thinks I will do the same. Never gunna happen!:D

Oct 9th, 2008, 10:56 PM
There's a guy at work who is a bit slow sometimes and he once said (literally)

Him: Yeah, I have a big problem with vegans. All vegans act like they are about peace and love with the earth, when tearing up plants is an act of violence as well.

Me: Well being vegan, you would use less plants wouldn't you, as livestock consume a lot of crops. Besides, veganism is deeper than just being 'peace' and 'love', you can't stereotype a whole group, people are vegan for different reasons.

Him: Yes, so? It is still hypocritical to kill plants and act all like you are for pacifism.

Me: So basically what you are saying is that vegans shouldn't be allowed to eat anything but rocks.

Him: .................... Yes

Oct 9th, 2008, 11:00 PM
Me: So basically what you are saying is that vegans shouldn't be allowed to eat anything but rocks.

Him: .................... Yes

I agree, he's right. I am going to start on a rock based diet from tomorrow :rolleyes: It will be rich in (undigestible) minerals I am sure, rocks have B12 right?

Oct 10th, 2008, 03:17 AM
That's a good line, Qaxt. How did you cultivate a taste for vegetables, if I may ask?

This is such an easy question. I didn't! :D Haha, actually, I survived a lot on pasta (pasta with oil and garlic was an every day thing, haha) and also vegetarian (not vegan) "meats." Oh, and cheesy bean burritos. Then from there, I sort of realized that vegetables were needed in a diet that consists solely of vegetables.

Really, my taste buds gradually changed. I still have a hard time with most veggies. I eat a lot of pasta and rice now, and instead of meats, I eat a lot of veggie burgers (the kind that taste nothing like burgers but taste nice anyway). I can now eat salads without gagging, and I actually like green salads covered in hummus.
But, yeah. Next time someone says, "I don't like vegetables" as an excuse, you're free to use me as an example, haha.

I do really like fruit though! :lol:

Oct 10th, 2008, 11:35 AM
And my friend's Mum said that my job (for an animal welfare charity) sounded like a waste of time to her.

How utterly rude and disrespectful.:mad: