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Oct 17th, 2008, 04:30 AM
Q. "What about human breast milk?"
A. WTF!!! Thats the last time I let you make me a cup of tea.

lololol!!! that is hysterical!!!

Oct 17th, 2008, 04:56 AM
Q. "What if it died of 'natural causes'... like if it was run over by a car"
A. Do people normally go round eating road-kill?? would you eat a badger you mashed into the ground?? No neither would I, vegan or otherwise!

Q. "What about meat, if it were cultured in a lab, instead of from something living"
A. No, you keep that filthy kebab away from me! :\

Q. "What about human breast milk?"
A. WTF!!! Thats the last time I let you make me a cup of tea.

Q. "Don't cows explode if they don't get milked..?"
A. .....no. That would be a pretty poor evolutionary trait don't you think?

:D you're sarkiness is impressive. I love the cow comment.

Oct 17th, 2008, 12:27 PM
Q. "Don't cows explode if they don't get milked..?"
A. .....no. That would be a pretty poor evolutionary trait don't you think?

yeah, that myth is a strange one - i've had people say "Oh i can understand you being vegetarian, but why not drink milk, i mean the cow would die if it didn't get milked!"

Oct 17th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I get that too!!!! And all this sudden compassion for cows... pity they're not that compassionate when it comes to steak :rolleyes:

Marjorie Dawes
Oct 17th, 2008, 01:44 PM
I agree, he's right. I am going to start on a rock based diet from tomorrow :rolleyes: It will be rich in (undigestible) minerals I am sure, rocks have B12 right?

Rocks have feelings too! ;)

Oct 17th, 2008, 02:24 PM
Rocks have feelings too! ;)

Damn :(

Oct 17th, 2008, 02:29 PM
lol @ that cow comment.

I had a kid ask me the other night , "why can't you wear leather?!?!"

This was after I explained what a vegan was.

I replied. "Because it's a piece of dead cow."

Oct 17th, 2008, 02:32 PM
yeah, that myth is a strange one - i've had people say "Oh i can understand you being vegetarian, but why not drink milk, i mean the cow would die if it didn't get milked!"

lots of folk i've spoken to about it genuinly don't get the no milk thing. then say 'but it doesn't hurt to milk the cow'..cos they think that's why vegans don't drink milk. same with eggs i think. perhaps it hurts the chicken to poo out the egg!! :undecided:

Oct 17th, 2008, 05:33 PM
Corum was asked by some so called vegetarians if he could eat bananas ff's:eek:

Ruby Rose
Oct 17th, 2008, 10:15 PM
An easy confusion with that lambanana sculpture thing, surely?
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:1XRJdXhHDJnp3M:http://marintje.blogs.friendster.com/photos/places_artefacts_etc/lambanana.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://marintje.blogs.friendster.com/photos/places_artefacts_etc/lambanana.jpg&imgrefurl=http://marintje.blogs.friendster.com/photos/places_artefacts_etc/lambanana.html&h=360&w=480&sz=26&hl=en&start=3&usg=__vKleaOYR27Epd6YYgosYRMsY7iU=&tbnid=1XRJdXhHDJnp3M:&tbnh=97&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlambanana%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

Oct 17th, 2008, 10:22 PM
lots of folk i've spoken to about it genuinly don't get the no milk thing. then say 'but it doesn't hurt to milk the cow'..cos they think that's why vegans don't drink milk. same with eggs i think. perhaps it hurts the chicken to poo out the egg!! :undecided:

my husband recently asked me about the dairy thing - after being married to a vegan all this time :confused:
(he doesn't eat dairy/drink cow milk anyway as they trigger his migraines)
he said 'what's wrong with cow milk, i mean, no-one gets hurt?'
after glaring at him like this :mad: to see if he was joking i patiently explained (again :rolleyes:) who exactly does get hurt when you decide to take the lactation from a lactating mammal :pissed_ani:

nicola j
Oct 17th, 2008, 10:54 PM
Hi everyone,
I get sick of ignorant comments from non vegans but then I try to remember I was once ignorant and I used to also think vegans were 'extreme' and I used to think - What do they eat. It's only until you research and open your heart that you become aware of the cult we live in - the meat and dairy consuming cult that advocates the unnecessary abuse of animals for human consumption.
I can't believe I was ignorant for do long - I'm 36 and have only been vegan for 15 months. It does get infuriating when people come out with c**p but it helps me to remember how I used to be and what would have been effective in changing my perspective. I so wish I'd had the knowledge I now have. I can't believe the number of people that, for instance, think that cows produce milk cos they eat grass! Until 15 months ago that is what I thought!
What a brainwashing world we live hey?
I'm so glad this site exists by the way. I don't often post but I do read regularly and people's experiences and advice really helps me.
Love to you all. Nicola xx

Oct 17th, 2008, 10:57 PM
you're bob on nicola :)

Oct 17th, 2008, 11:23 PM
well we are extreme i suppose as we are going 'against' what most of us are brought up to believe is 'right'.

Oct 18th, 2008, 12:20 AM
well we are extreme i suppose as we are going 'against' what most of us are brought up to believe is 'right'.

Maybe the word "extreme" just means someone who thinks or behaves different to cultural norms and does so with conviction.

In that case I'm extreme about a few things and quite happy about it. So what? Maybe the cultural norm will eventually catch on it's not quite as clever as it thinks.

Oct 18th, 2008, 05:23 AM
my boyfriend's dad is adorable.
he brings home pizza for the family, and I'm eating my big happy bowl of broccoli and a handful of nuts. yummy :)
then he puts a box of chicken nuggets on the table in front of me and told me he got them for me and my boyfriend's sister to share.
i don't say anything, but my boyfriend looks at him and says "shes a VEGETARIAN, dad, they dont EAT chicken" (he already understands the no eggs, no milk thing, no use further confusing him)
and hes like "why ? don't vegetarians eat chicken and fish ? emily, a chickens not meat, right ? "

i just keep quiet. the rest of the family just all argued for me.
some people get very confused

Oct 18th, 2008, 03:57 PM
Hi everyone,
It's only until you research and open your heart that you become aware of the cult we live in - the meat and dairy consuming cult that advocates the unnecessary abuse of animals for human consumption.

OMG I love the idea of meat eaters being in a cult - it is so alien to them to be in a cult and it is something they could immediately identify with whereas veganism may not be. Gunna use that one deffo! Thank you!:D

Oct 19th, 2008, 10:53 PM
The worst one that I ever had was when my aunt asked me, "Can you not just be a vegetarian?", to which my only answer was "Really, no. I can't" (and a disgusted look)

Oct 19th, 2008, 11:59 PM
a certain person said to me. you look a little frail and pale. have a bit of fish and some cheese no one will have to know'
gotta love it.
i love this person dearly ....but...in fairness like!

Oct 20th, 2008, 05:29 AM
lots of folk i've spoken to about it genuinly don't get the no milk thing. then say 'but it doesn't hurt to milk the cow'..cos they think that's why vegans don't drink milk. same with eggs i think. perhaps it hurts the chicken to poo out the egg!! :undecided:
I wonder if the 25% of cows who suffer from permament mastitis (which is rarely treated) would agree that milking doesn't hurt. Or the baby calves who are ripped from their mothers at a day old and placed in veal crates.

If any heathen tries to lecture me on the milk thing I ask them if they enjoy drinking a glass of puss, and tell them of the 'acceptable puss count' regulators use to determine if milk is 'fit for human consumption'. This is the time the brick wall usually comes up, and their brain automatically deletes any 'hippy crap' (facts), and they continue on their blissfully ignorant way.

Marjorie Dawes
Oct 20th, 2008, 10:22 AM
Hi everyone,
I get sick of ignorant comments from non vegans but then I try to remember I was once ignorant and I used to also think vegans were 'extreme' and I used to think - What do they eat. It's only until you research and open your heart that you become aware of the cult we live in - the meat and dairy consuming cult that advocates the unnecessary abuse of animals for human consumption.
I can't believe I was ignorant for do long - I'm 36 and have only been vegan for 15 months. It does get infuriating when people come out with c**p but it helps me to remember how I used to be and what would have been effective in changing my perspective. I so wish I'd had the knowledge I now have. I can't believe the number of people that, for instance, think that cows produce milk cos they eat grass! Until 15 months ago that is what I thought!
What a brainwashing world we live hey?
I'm so glad this site exists by the way. I don't often post but I do read regularly and people's experiences and advice really helps me.
Love to you all. Nicola xx

I have to agree with this as I am in the same boat as you! I wish I'd actually bothered to look into this years ago, but when you are brought up to think eating meat is the norm, as are the majority, then you are totally corrupted by society. I'm glad I finally had the balls to stop being ignorant and think for myself.

I am often asked 'Why???', with a startled look on the face of the person asking. It's as if they are absolutely horrified at my choice not to kill animals, and it's just fine to take the life of another just so you can consume it for what is essentially, your pleasure. Anyone would think it is a crime not to consume meat & dairy, by some of the reactions. FFS, isn't it me who should have the horrified look on my face? :mad:

Oooh I feel better for getting that off my chest. :bigsmile:

Oct 20th, 2008, 01:11 PM
What exactly does everyone think PB is made of?!

Maybe some people think it's like "chocolate milk" - you know, since that's just cow milk with chocolate in it, maybe they think peanut butter is made with cow milk butter with peanuts in it? I mean, how many non-veg*ns feel the need to read ingredients anyway? :)

Oct 20th, 2008, 06:43 PM
My flatmate's latest one: "Can you go into space? Because you're a vegan..." (implying that vegans for some reason are unreasonably affected by gravity?). She followed this up with "because they recycle their pee."

Oct 20th, 2008, 07:13 PM
Maybe some people think it's like "chocolate milk" - you know, since that's just cow milk with chocolate in it, maybe they think peanut butter is made with cow milk butter with peanuts in it? I mean, how many non-veg*ns feel the need to read ingredients anyway? :)

That's exactly what my dad thought it was! :eek: And he's a 48 year old man. You'd think he would know by now!

Oct 20th, 2008, 07:14 PM
My flatmate's latest one: "Can you go into space? Because you're a vegan..." (implying that vegans for some reason are unreasonably affected by gravity?). She followed this up with "because they recycle their pee."

Wha... But... Hunh?