View Full Version : Vegan London, part 1

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Aug 30th, 2006, 04:30 PM
I've been to all of those Tai's, and they are all fabulous. The one on Old Compton Street had the edge for me for the fact that all the food was piping hot, whereas the other places aren't quite as hot as I like, and the seating is slightly nicer than the other two (there are actually three on a row on Greek St - I've not quite worked out the logic in that!), though the other two really are great too and I still go there if they are nearest at the time. They don't do desserts though. Mildred's is great for desserts, I love the cheesecake they do. And they do great freshly squeezed juices. Slightly more expensive than the Oriental buffet places. Though you get endless top-ups of green or jasmine tea at the buffet venues. Casual dining though, it's not posh. But I prefer substance over style anyway. They are all inexpensive. Buffet places are the cheapest though. I don't drink so I can't remember what alcohol they have. Am pretty sure Mildred's do wine though. If you are going on a date, I could recommend Eat and Two Veg, near Baker Street. Or The Gate in Hammersmith. Slightly pricier, but very nice.

I've not been to VitaOrganics yet - if you do, you let me know what it's like!

Have fun, and let us know what you thought.


Aug 30th, 2006, 04:36 PM
Thanks for replying. It isn't a date - just two mates out for some dinner and drinks. Do any of the places sell vegan wine or have a BYO licence?

Aug 30th, 2006, 05:07 PM
Mildreds do great desserts and have vegan wine and beer. Vita Organics do desserts but don't sell alcohol at all. The thai buffets don't have vegan desserts and only have thai or chinese beer, no wine. If you go there you could always go to Vita Organic or Beatroot (til about 9) for cake afterwards.

Bear in mind you won't be able to book a table for two at any of them.

If you decide on Mildreds don't arrive starving as it gets very busy and you may have to wait up to an hour for a table. You can wait in the crowded 'bar' area at the front - at least you can drink and chat while you wait but there are only a few seats there.

See previous page (page 10, esp my posts numbers 189. 193 & 195) for descriptions of Mildreds, a couple of the buffet places and Vita Organic.

Aug 30th, 2006, 08:40 PM
I spent the day in Kingston yesterday looking for a job and finding my way about.
We found the vegetarian restaurant- it was sooo yum!
We both had organic falafel with houmous in a pitta bread with salad.
It was just really simple but so tasty- the best falafel I've had!
And from looking, most of the menu is vegan, woop!
Found the health food shop, which I was really happy with- not quite as good as Infinity (Brighton) but together with the Free From section in Waitrose I think I'll get by!!

Mr Flibble
Aug 30th, 2006, 08:44 PM
Just to add to the above posts: Tai (chinese not thai) is the same chain as joi, however I don't believe that the ones on greek street are all the same chain. I've eaten at tai/joi too many times when I used to be in London a lot and the quality varies dependant on time of day - the food generally hottest and freshest at lunchtime and dinnertime not inbetween (goes without saying really). Not all the things you may find in tai/joi are vegan, or vegetarian for that matter. Don't be fooled by the word vegan on the window as you walk away after your meal sucking a complimentary sweet that contains geletin ;)

I believe i've posted about the others in this thread and others.

Aug 30th, 2006, 10:06 PM
I spent the day in Kingston yesterday . . . found the vegetarian restaurant- it was sooo yum!
Ohmygod! I was in the Riverside Vegetaria last night too! 7-8pm - I bet we were there at the same time!

Aug 30th, 2006, 10:08 PM
Not all the things you may find in tai/joi are vegan, or vegetarian for that matter. Don't be fooled by the word vegan on the window as you walk away after your meal sucking a complimentary sweet that contains geletin ;)

But the main hot food savoury buffet is fine isn't it - it's the extras such as desserts, drinks and sweets that you have to be careful of - right?

Aug 30th, 2006, 10:58 PM
I eat in Tai/Joi when in London. The staff have always told me all main buffet food is 100% vegan. I always throw the sweet away after as guessed about it not being vegan/veggie. I always check as well as being vegan im very intollerant to egg and cashew nuts so have to ask!

So are the main meals safe for vegans? should i be avoiding the noodles etc...

The manager did say due to belief no egg/dairy is used?

Am going next weekend so will avoid if not all ok for vegans?

Mr Flibble
Aug 31st, 2006, 12:17 AM
As far as I'm aware the mains are fine. As mentioned the sweets, drinks etc are slightly dodgy. One of them a while ago (one of the ones off TCR around but not nessecarily on godge street) had a drink containing honey on the list.

Aug 31st, 2006, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the replies. :D I never trust sweets to be vegan unless they are from somewhere like the Vegan Store. I will put the suggestions to my friend and see which one she fancies!

We will probably go for Mildred's or Tai/Joi. We are going to see Mary Poppins afterwards (yay!) at the Prince Edward theatre on Old Compton Road, which I gather is in that area anyway, so we may go for an early dinner around 5.30pm which I guess would be a good idea at Mildred's anyway?!

Aug 31st, 2006, 09:40 AM
From www.veganvillage.co.uk

New Vegan Restaurant in Brixton!

The Zionly Manna Vegan Rastarant has just opened at 60 Atlantic Road, Brixton, London SW9 (5 mins from the tube). Healthly, delicious, jamaican vegan food.

Aug 31st, 2006, 05:30 PM
Ohmygod! I was in the Riverside Vegetaria last night too! 7-8pm - I bet we were there at the same time!

Thats so weird!
Except I was there around 4pm, but still, quite spooky!!

Aug 31st, 2006, 05:48 PM
From www.veganvillage.co.uk

New Vegan Restaurant in Brixton!

The Zionly Manna Vegan Rastarant has just opened at 60 Atlantic Road, Brixton, London SW9 (5 mins from the tube). Healthly, delicious, jamaican vegan food.

Hi there - I mentioned this in another thread a few weeks ago (vegan restaurants UK other!)- it is really good - the guy who runs it was in Brixton Maket for ages but now on Railton Rd so he can open at night.
Food is great and they are really friendly. They do a takeaway box for £4.00 and all juices etc are freshly made.
Great as there are no other vegan/veggie places in Brixton now that Brunos closed.

Aug 31st, 2006, 07:47 PM
I'll have to head over to Brixton soon :)

Sep 17th, 2006, 06:53 PM
went here for lunch today, in finchley, london

its about 90% vegan and soooo good.


sunday lunchtime all you can eat buffet for £11.90.

i was stuffed :o

Oct 2nd, 2006, 11:23 AM
ok we are in London tommorrow, have no idea where we will go to eat (still deciding!), but I do want to go shopping for the elusive vegan stuff... so I want to know, which shop do you guys find has the largest range of vegan stuff and has it in stock? Specifically I'm looking for tofutti sour surpreme, anything chocolate, and chilled/frozen stuff.

Normally we end up at Planet Organic in Torrington Place, and sometimes have a look in Fresh & Wild Soho, and have had a little look at a couple of small places by TC Rd, but have never been able to find sour supreme and not even that much of the vegan stuff (like that vegan organica chocolates)

any help?! :)

Oct 2nd, 2006, 02:37 PM
If you haven't already tried the melt in the mouth '365' truffles at Fresh & Wild you have to get some! They have chocolate and expresso and are only £2.99 a box.

Mr Flibble
Oct 2nd, 2006, 04:35 PM
They also sometimes sell them at the chocolate shop in euston station, about the same price.

Oct 3rd, 2006, 09:31 AM
If you haven't already tried the melt in the mouth '365' truffles at Fresh & Wild you have to get some! They have chocolate and expresso and are only £2.99 a box.

these are yummy yum yum and amzingly good value u gets lots in the box, compared to the other vegan truffles that cost morre and u get about 8 or 9 in the box.
the chocolate ones are the best i think :)

Oct 23rd, 2006, 06:22 PM
I went to 222 today in West Kensington.
I didn't realise it was buffet during the day, but it was a really nice selection of hot and cold things- amazing coleslaw!
And its all vegan and 6 pounds each.
Would love to go in the evening, although the area looked really rough.

Oct 27th, 2006, 02:13 AM
Oh dear! I went to at Sasa Thai in Soho (6 Greek Street- one of my favourite thai buffets) with friends last night. I suggested the venue and we had a lovely meal.
Imagine my horror this afternoon on walking past to find it closed with an emergancy hygiene / health notice taped to the window. Mice infestation was all I registered but there may have been other things on the list. :eek: :(

Oct 27th, 2006, 11:22 AM

Oct 27th, 2006, 12:20 PM
More 'squeak' really! Lol! :D

Nov 16th, 2006, 06:50 PM
Went to a falafel cafe today- possibly called Maoz??
It was lovely!
I dont know the address but I walked down Charing Cross Road and took a right, then a left...
OK thats no help at all...!

Mr Flibble
Nov 16th, 2006, 07:37 PM
it does if you were walking south and took a right by the women in white (formally les miserables). Not sure about the left thou, really you just needed to walk directly south-west to get to the start of brewer street. There be a few left/right turns by a few degrees ;)