View Full Version : Vegan London, part 1

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Jul 10th, 2007, 08:24 PM
I think I'm going to book to go there in a few weeks so I can see what kind of choice they offer and what the wine situation is.

That would be very public-spirited of you :D

Jul 10th, 2007, 09:39 PM
Good old Marrers, always willing to take one for the team :D

Jul 10th, 2007, 10:47 PM
Really - it would be. I was thinking I ought to go seeing I keep mentioning it, but I'd much rather hear about it from Marrers first.

Jul 14th, 2007, 12:45 PM
We were in London last night seeing an old friend and after a rather alcohol fuelled session:eek: decided to check out Wagamama as we were at Covent garden.
They said they didn't do any vegan food but could veganise any of the vegetarian choices for us so we ordered spicy noodles with veg to take away minus the egg.
When we got the food back to where we were eating it turned out they had given us rice instead of noodles and I'm not sure but I think the rice tasted eggy - it could be total paranoia but you know that kind of taste. We were a bit cross because we didn't feel like rice we asked for noodles. Not sure we will go there again.

Jul 14th, 2007, 12:55 PM
i recently went to http://www.nealsyardsaladbar.co.uk/ (www.nealsyardsaladbar.co.uk/) in london. it advertises itself online as "a landmark for vegan/vegetarian aficionados". so i was bit surprised to find that they actually sell meat dishes as well these days! gah!

i was appalled that i'd gone out of my way to find the damn place in london, only to find that i was sitting next to a freezer with fucking ham and prawns in it!

so what did i do? well i put on my very cross face, stood up... ... then sat down again and sheepishly got on with my meal like the inequate little tosser that i am.

it must be wonderful to have at least a shred of self-confidence in a situation like that - you know, you go for a vegan meal, notice half way through that you are sat next to a load of fucking meat, and actually complain or ask to be moved or... something!

so i shan't be going back there again anyway.

You must accompany us to that restaurant again Tofu Monster - together we will kick their asses:) I can be a complete bastard if the mood takes me and Corum has been known to complain so loudly and shamelessly that even I sit there with my head in my hands.

Think Withnail and I in the village tea shoppe, "Bring me fine wines AT ONCE - We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here, and we want them now!" and "CAKE to soak up the alcohol" hahahaha:D :D

Jul 14th, 2007, 01:04 PM
You know the bit...


:D :D :D

Jul 14th, 2007, 03:55 PM
I totally missed that post about Neal Yard. I'm horrified.
I will try to remember to go there next time I'm in town and have a big fat moan. Then I'll be off to Planet Organic with a big spoon - to buy a tub of Booja Booja ice cream which I will eat in the street!

ETA I can't find the original post, I've looked back quite a few pages - when was it posted?
I've sent Neals Yard an email asking for clarification. Will let you know if they reply.

Jul 14th, 2007, 06:11 PM
If I'm thinking of the right place (is there only one salad bar in Neal's Yard?) I was there recently and they seem to have added a non-vegetarian page to the menu, so perhaps they just forgot or "forgot" to update the web site.

They still do have a lot of vegetarian and vegan stuff although if you try and order a soyaccino you should check it doesn't have chocolate sprinkled on top as this is a sign that they have accidentally given you a dairy cappuccino (tip from one of the waiters so I was forewarned when the same thing happened a second time :rolleyes: )

Jul 14th, 2007, 06:23 PM
Isn't there a Neal's Yard Cafe aswell hence the confusion?

Jul 14th, 2007, 06:49 PM
Mebbe. Or perhaps two formerly separate establishments have merged?

The place I'm talking about is partly on the sharp left as you come into the yard from the street (room with tables and more tables outside) and partly opposite that (shop with tables outside). The waiters hare across from one to the other.

Jul 18th, 2007, 10:17 PM
Yes you're right Harpy, the seating on sharp left used to be a seperate cafe (with the best vegan cake in London).

Jul 29th, 2007, 03:55 PM
Did I read that the Tai buffets now had meat also?

Going to London a week Tues and fancy a buffet visit that eve but would want to go to a meat free one, I normally go to Greek Street but never know which one to go to!

Think a return lunch trip to Greens and Beans is on the cards and the buffet lunch at 222 poss on the Weds!

Also is 222 anywhere near the new wholefoods market as wanted to go and browse there on Weds pm - as it sounds like i might find a few unusual items, I always like to visit Fresh and Wild if in London as it stocks products I cant find in the Midlands.


Jul 29th, 2007, 04:36 PM
There is still at least one (unliscenced) veggie place on Greek Street but Sasa (the liscenced one just past Pillars Of Hercules pub arch) is now renamed and serving meat.
If you want an alcoholic drink at the other one they let you buy drinks from the pub if you sit outside.

Wholefoods is about 5 minutes walk from Kensington High Street tube, on the same side of the road. It is where Barkers department store used to be (past where Kensington Market used to be, which was opposite where Hyper Hyper was).

Jul 29th, 2007, 04:42 PM
i wasn't impressed with Fresh & Wild at all, i went in there for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and i didn't see anything i couldn't get in Brighton. i'm spoilt living here :D

Jul 29th, 2007, 05:01 PM
Yeah, your right, you are totally spoiled Gorilla. What a brat. Lol. :D

Jul 29th, 2007, 05:02 PM
Did I read that the Tai buffets now had meat also?

Going to London a week Tues and fancy a buffet visit that eve but would want to go to a meat free one, I normally go to Greek Street but never know which one to go to!

Think a return lunch trip to Greens and Beans is on the cards and the buffet lunch at 222 poss on the Weds!

Also is 222 anywhere near the new wholefoods market as wanted to go and browse there on Weds pm - as it sounds like i might find a few unusual items, I always like to visit Fresh and Wild if in London as it stocks products I cant find in the Midlands.


Yeah, lots of them now serve meat!! :-O Right gutter. Ring and check it out.
Wholefoods market? Whats this?? Hmm? Hmmmmm?

Jul 29th, 2007, 06:46 PM
I will check carefully as will not eat where there is meat in a buffet set up too high risk!

Not worried about a drink will go to a pub after!

Id like to visit the Wholefoods market once to see what its like - gosh hyper hyper and the market i remember in the dim distant past of my goth teen years going there:D

Thats still a distance from 222 - i always get lost trying to find that place, as i hate tube travel (i hate escalators!!!:o) and get lost on the bus in London! so i tend to walk everywhere.

Jul 29th, 2007, 07:09 PM
Yeah, lots of them now serve meat!!
Oh dear, I didn't know that (I didn't think Sasa was part of that chain).

My favourite is now GiGi Hut which is independent of the other vegan/vegetarian buffets. Not the most glamourous surroundings but the food is great. It could do with a bit more support though, if anyone is in the area.
GIGI HUT is at 339 Euston Road, London NW1 3AD (Tube: Warren Street or Great Portland Street)

gosh hyper hyper and the market i remember in the dim distant past of my goth teen years going there:D
Lol - was hoping that would place it for you! I used to love clothes shopping there. :D

Jul 29th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Il see if i can get to that one as stopping in Kings Cross area so wont be far from hotel.......

Might try greens and beans for breccy as il no doubt have to drop my bag off at Euston - but the charge there at £6.50 a bag is so annoying - i know it has to be secure, i just hate lugging a bag round all day.

Will have to visit wholefood market last before heading home as Il no doubt buy lots of vegan goodies:rolleyes:

Jul 30th, 2007, 11:48 AM
Does anyone know if the buffet in Camden is serving meat?
I was planning on going there with a newly vegan friend on Friday, but it's put me off if I have to pick meat out of it!!

Jul 30th, 2007, 11:51 AM
If you find it does serve meat you could go to nearby Green Note instead.

Let us know what you discover.

Jul 30th, 2007, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the tip :)
I'll deffo ask them.
Really angry if they are serving meat- whats the point!?

Jul 30th, 2007, 01:51 PM
Any one know where cheap accomodation can be found? :)

Mr Flibble
Jul 30th, 2007, 02:31 PM
I think it's customery around here to invite yourself over to stu's for the weekend.

Yeah, lots of them now serve meat!!

Are we talking about the same ones here? There's some that people have claimed in the past are part of the same chain but i know not to be (like Greek Street only has one that is part of the chain - the others are seperate). I chatted with the owner of one last month and their's is definitely vegan.

Jul 30th, 2007, 02:34 PM
alisont is always advising us of cheap Travel Lodge rooms (£26). You could PM her for advice.

She has also just posted this on another thread re the Vegan Festival but I think you can use it to search for your dates too. https://www.travelodge.co.uk/saver_search/results.php?search_type=4&search=City%20of%20London%2C%20Gtr%20London&id=5449