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Oct 30th, 2006, 04:53 PM
Ok, so lately (about the last month, month and half, or so) I have had the absolute worse gas, along with other stomache issues, pains, cramping, bloating, diarehea about an hour after eating meals. It's getting out of control to the point that I'm almost scared to eat anything. Does anyone have any suggestions? It's not after every meal, but at least once a day. I can't seem to pin point what foods are making me feel this way. It doesn't seem to be beans so much like I thought that it might. Does anyone have any insights/suggestions?

i've been having the same issues as well for the past couple of weeks. not necessarily after every meal, but a good portion of the time. I was thinking maybe a gluten intolerance, but it seems to happen even after foods that aren't made of wheat.

Oct 30th, 2006, 06:24 PM
Veggiejess, just to let you know, gluten is in more foods than just wheat. It's also in oats, rye, barley, kamut....

This site has some info http://www.celiac.ca/EnglishCCA/egfdiet2.html#avoid

Oct 30th, 2006, 07:32 PM
It might also be that you're a little stressed out, wmenke? I've got a very sensitive stomach when it comes to being overworked/excited/emotionally upside-down in any way.

I've had a time myself last year when I had bad cramps etc. all the time, that was actually the final reason to go vegan, but I guess that doesn't help you?

I stayed home today because my lymph nodes are totally swollen (at least I'm finally PROPERLY sick)...yesterday I first thought it was a toothache... gotta be fit tomorrow, because I'm invited to a big Halloween party and people are expecting mit to cosplay + my coworkers will kill me if I stay home as Xmas season has started...

Apart from that, I've been doing fine the last days, no running because I sprained my ankle as my street is a complete building site at the mo, but regular yoga practise.

Oct 30th, 2006, 09:43 PM
Wmenke, are you feeling very stressed, all through my last year at high school I was like this, I was told i have a wheat sensitivity, but mostly all they could label it as was IBS. try and keep a diary of what your eating and when these symptoms occur, and perhaps you will find a correlation? For me food like, nuts, dairy, exessive soy, starchy foods like bread, and diet pop (probably regular aswell but i ddon't drink it) tended to upset my tummy. Good LUck

Oct 30th, 2006, 09:54 PM
Nothing new, but I have been eating a lot more junk food than normal. It's not after every meal, but at least once a day. I can honestly say that I'm not stressed out. This is the first time in a long time that I'm actually at ease! I started keeping a journal of what I am eating, so maybe something will jump out.

I took advantage of the time change and didn't set my clocks back, so I got up an hour early today and ran 2 miles. I think I'm going to go back to the gym this evening and lift some weights too.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran and 1/2 c soy milk, 2 mugs of green tea

Snack: Banana

Lunch: Salad (just different types of lettuce and some red rine spritzer..kind of boring), vanilla silk yogart, handful of blueberries

Snack: Package of oatmeal made with water

Dinner: Is going to be a lot of stir-fry(brocolli, scallions, carrots, pea pods, & tofu)

Oct 31st, 2006, 08:43 PM
I finally went to the doctor today because the right side of my face (jawbone, ear, teary eyes) has been weird for almost a week now... I suspected it was from the teeth, but my teeth are perfect (the doctor was like O.O "Wow, such pretty teeth!" for at least five minutes :D ).

Anyway, finally he prescribed me antibiotics, because I also had a temperature... no Halloween party tonight :(

At least I cooked something REALLY yummy (will post the recipe later) and am looking forward to spend the night on my new Japanese futon matress :cool:

How are y'all doing?

Oct 31st, 2006, 09:53 PM
Another trip to the gym at 5am this morning. I ran 2 miles(18min), did the stair climber for 5 minutes, and worked on abs for 10 min.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with 1/2 c. mixed fruit, mug of green tea

Snack: Banana

Lunch: Salad with red wine spritzer, Silk soy yogart cup, 1/4c. blueberries

Snack: Nature valley fruit crisps...cinnamon apple

Dinner: red beans and rice

Oct 31st, 2006, 11:52 PM
Breakfast: cereal with walnuts and vanilla soymilk

Snack: half a bagel with organic peanut butter

Dinner: small spinach, carrot and tomatoe salad with olive oil and vinegar
cheeseless spinach and mushroom pizza
a banana

I'm INSANELY craving fruit right now. I have a small apple in the fridge I'm saving for later but I'd kill for some melon and berries!

Nov 1st, 2006, 12:10 AM
Hi Annie from Connecticut. I also live in Connecticut and my closest friends call me Annie. I sure hope I'm not sleep-computing or something. :D

I haven't checked in for a bit. My electricity was out all day Sunday and Monday, so I not only had no computer, but also no stove and most of my produce went bad without refrigeration. It cost me nearly $60 to replace everything that died (this included my raw tahini and a bottle of probiotic supplement.) And I spent lots eating out. And I didn't eat very good stuff. Nor did I exercise (daylight saving started on Sunday and I just didn't want to exercise in the dark.)

Today I'm sort of back on track, but since it's Halloween and I'm thrilled to have my stove back, I have a special dinner planned that not's exactly lo-cal (udon noodles with tofu, peanuts, and pomegrante seeds.)

I did just put in 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, though.

Nov 1st, 2006, 12:18 AM
Hey Yogini :) That's cool you live in CT too! I'm actually in Virginia at the moment for school but I go back home to CT during vacations. That sucks about your power going out...the only good thing about that when I was younger was my mom let us eat all the junk food that could go bad :D

Nov 1st, 2006, 08:50 AM
wmenke, i hope you start to feel better soon. you seem to be eating really well in the past couple of days so hopefully your tummy problems clear up! your workout today sounds great!

pavotrouge, thats funny about your doctor saying that about your teeth :D i hope the antibiotics start to help soon, and your new bed sounds fab!!! sweet dreams!

annie, i know what you mean. sometimes i just get such bad cravings for things. thats great your craving is for healthy food though! :D

yogini, that sucks about your electricity! thank god everythings back to normal, jeez!

today i didnt work out. i spent all day doing halloween stuff :D

but thats okay. there are more days to this week. ive been trying to workout 3 times a week at the least, 4 would be great and 5 i would be thrilled with.

my asthma is also doing great. my peakflows three times now have been up past 600. (a peak flow is to measure your oxygen) this naturopath thing is really paying off. ive never blown that high before and im off some of the original meds i was on. my peakflows used to be 450! so thats definitely a healthy part of me, since this thread is all about getting fit and/or healthy! :D

i think all the working out has helped my lungs. still havent lost any pounds yet though. argh! but i think it was all the chips i was eating. im not eating too many chips now. i had a few yesterday and a few today but the caloric amount of that wouldnt do anything to my weight since i work around it. hopefully i start to see a change.

Nov 1st, 2006, 09:52 PM
Foxytina- I'm glad that you're asthma is doing better. Obviously your body has noticed that you're eating well and working out!

My stomach has been better these last couple of days. I guess I was just eating junk that I didn't need.

Breakfast: Oatmeal and green tea

Snack: Banana

Lunch: Salad with red wine spritzer, Silk soy yogart, and handful of blueberries

Snack: A few almonds and oatmeal

Dinner: pizza with green & red peppers, jalapenos, and pinapple

Snack: I'll probably have something...I've been really hungry today

I ran 2 miles, and fastly walked 1 mile on a huge incline

Nov 2nd, 2006, 09:35 AM

bowl high fibre cereal with berrries
cantloupe, strawberries and handful walnuts
3 pieces vegan mushroom pizza
hommous dip and 8 rice crackers
mixed veggie curry with jasmine rice
1 chapati

might have a banana smoothie for dessert - not sure yet!

1 hour Body Jam

70 kgs by the weekend :rolleyes:

Nov 3rd, 2006, 10:56 AM
thanks wmenke :D im glad your stomach is feeling better :)

your days both sound healthy wmenke and treehugga! good job!

today i did a 20 minute interval workout on the exercise bike. (its technically still thursday for me)

its been 5 weeks since i started exercising more. my clothes feel looser and fit better, but still not as much as id like them to. and my weight hasnt changed much except the occasional gain or loss of a pound. but im pretty sure its due to gaining muscle, because my bodys looking a little smaller. steev said so anyhow, so im not sure why the scale hasnt dropped. but again, the scale isnt always accurate with regards to your fitness.

Nov 4th, 2006, 09:59 AM

Grain with protein =gas
fruit with vegetables=gas
fruit with protien =gas
fruit with grain=gas

Fruit alone=no gas, proper digestion
grain with vegetables=no gas
pasta with vegetables=no gas
beans with vegetables=nogas
pulses/beans and grains=no gas

Dr Gillian McKeith - Dr of nutrition.

Also lying or sitting after food can trap gas. Have a walk for 10 mins after eating.

Any foods which are acidic will cause gas including: sugar, fruit and high GI carbs.

Nov 4th, 2006, 10:07 AM

Disappointment due to no additional weight loss despite trying really hard, still 71.4 kilo's, but as Martin said - at least I didn't gain any.

I spoke to a friend who is a qualified personal trainer and he said I need to do about 2 workouts most days to lose my last bit of weight. So I'm now doing 2 hours at least 5 days a week and something on the other 2 usually weights and a walk. Still on 5 smaller meals a day most days.

bowl high fibre cereal with berries
2 slices rye sourdough bread toasted with mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach
small bowl pasta with walnuts, spinach, chilli, garlic
protein shake

1 hour Body Combat freestyle am
1 hour walk/jog alternating pm.

(I shuffle rather than jog. It's hysterical! For all you aussies I look like Cliff Young!:D ).

B Complex
Flower remedies

Nov 5th, 2006, 06:21 PM
Does anyone know if there are certain foods that will help rid the body of fat or anything impossibly convenient like that?

Nov 5th, 2006, 08:35 PM
In another forum they suggested to drink water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning to get things going.

A friend of mine lost almost 20 pounds by switching to a vegan diet mainly based on pasta - but she was a junkfood omnivore before, guess that doesn't count.

My opionion is that excercise is the only healthy way to lose body fat, but can be supported by a diet...I could imagine going raw would help but I don't know much about a raw diet...

I've eaten pretty good troughout the week and will start excercising again tomorrow since this is my last day on antibiotics ^ ^

Treehugga can you tell me what exactly body combat is? It sounds fun but I can neither find a translation nor have I heard it before.

Foxytina, if you're excercising on a regular base it doesn't have to mean you lose weight because muscles are heavier than fat...and what counts most is the way you feel!

Nov 5th, 2006, 11:10 PM
I'm happy to report that I dragged myself to the gym today even though I really didn't wanna do anything today.

Nov 6th, 2006, 04:31 AM
Gluten update!

I've been attempting a gluten-free diet as much as possible for about 2 weeks now. I fell off the wagon a couple of times; once with croutons, once with bread with my falafel, once with bread at a party with limited vegan food, and today. Today=bad Tigerlily. I find once I start eating gluten, I can't stop myself....I think it's worse than a sugar addiction.

Today started off good. I decided to have half a can of tomato soup (contained wheat flour). Okay, not too bad. Then I got a huge craving for crackers and all we had were gluten containing crackers. Later in the evening, I had the rest of the soup and more crackers. Right now, I just had some pita bread. I have some slight intestinal cramps. The odd sharp pain every now and then. My stomach is pretty bloated too and I just feel 'uncomfortable'. :o But soda crackers and pita bread are so good. :o Tomorrow I'll know the whole story. Yikes.

I will attempt another week at being gluten-free. I will start updating daily again, that really helped me with my first week.

I'm going to go the grocery store sometime this week and buy some gluten-free goodies. I will get some gluten-free flour(s), rice crackers and cakes, and maybe some packaged cookies (my baking sucks :p).

I also been finding that I have been eating a lot of soy! Replacing my gluten with soy? :p Most likely. All this fake dairy stuff is comforting to me. And foods with gluten are very comforting. I think I'll pick up some rice milk too.

Nov 6th, 2006, 02:13 PM
good job everyone.

tigerlily, i know how you feel about wanting more gluten. i get that way too. it IS extremely addictive. i sometimes have to wean myself off of it. its horrible but delicious. lol.

i do replace my diet with alot of soy i think too. i eat alot of tofu stuff, brown rice, corn taco shells and occasionally rice bread. i eat alot of chips though because they feel starchy and thats what i miss about gluten, the starchyness.

i havent gotten much exercise as ive been too upset to. im really nervous about my colposcopy today and i pray everything is normal.

im also having a hard time eating and feel so nauseous, probably due to the anxiety and nervousness. i think i might make some brown rice right now though. that might be soothing.

Nov 7th, 2006, 04:51 AM
Today was a rough day all around - food wise, work wise, and emotionally. I really need to learn to keep my opinions to myself because the people who disagree with me can't ever say so respectfully and rationally - it all turns into how stupid I am for thinking what I think and narrow-minded I am for not being convinced to change my opinion after someone's one weak and unconvincing attempt.

But I digress. Food was pretty crap - toast with Earth Balance and Red Star, potato chips, and a cookie. The only good thing I ate was a lovely bowl of lentil and rice soup with veggies. My only exercise was 20 minutes of power yoga because I always say something is better than nothing.

I'm having real ADD/hypomania symptoms today and now have to spend all night grading papers because I can't concentrate well enough to do it in a normal amount of time.

Nov 7th, 2006, 05:32 AM
I'm having real ADD/hypomania symptoms today and now have to spend all night grading papers because I can't concentrate well enough to do it in a normal amount of time.

i know the feeling and can totally relate! i am currently working on a paper thats due tomorrow at noon bc i didnt do it earlier today like i should have

Nov 7th, 2006, 02:42 PM
poor yogini. i hope you feel better soon.

hope you can get your paper in soon and not have to worry about it anymore wishin!

yesterday i ate okay. obviously not enough fruits/veggies but im eating what we have. if i had vegetables or fruits id eat them lol. gotta make do with what youve got i suppose.

no exercise lately. too upset.

but i have lost 3 pounds. so that brings the total lost finally back up to 13 pounds total. (it went down to only 10 pounds for a while. i dont know, maybe my body was stabilizing at a new weight.) ooo i wonder if i look smaller now at this weight due to having more muscle from working out, than i did at this weight a couple months ago. that would be great lol.

now my goal is to get into the 40's.

Nov 7th, 2006, 07:03 PM
hope you can get your paper in soon and not have to worry about it anymore wishin!

thanks tina! i stayed up till 1:15 outlining and doing quotes. woke up at 8am and banged it out and was done by 11 whoot! (class was at noon) now its time to prepare for my 3 hour class tonight then back to study for my micro test tomorrow annddd then thursday its time to study for my religion test on friday morning! oh it never ends