
Type: Posts; User: Risker; Keyword(s):

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  1. Sticky: Re: 760 chickens, 20 pigs, 29 sheep, five cows and half a trawler-net of fish

    The Channel 4 show, the human footprint puts it at

    4 Cows
    21 Sheep
    15 Pigs
    1,200 Chickens
    13,345 eggs

    This is for British people. They didn't mention any other animals.
  2. Sticky: Re: 760 chickens, 20 pigs, 29 sheep, five cows and half a trawler-net of fish

    Viva puts the average at 11,047 for Britain

    1 Rabbit
    1 Goose
    4 Cows
    18 Pigs
    23 Sheep
    28 Ducks
    1,158 Chickens
    2,750 Fish
Results 1 to 2 of 2