I was born to a meat eating family. I was born a pretty hard-headed anti-meat baby. My mom said it was always a fight to get me to eat meat... In short, I've always been almost completely vegetarian.
Finally, at 22, after watching the 10 minute documentary by Alec Baldwin "Meet Your Meat" - (watch out, this is graphic non-edited factory farming footage!) http://www.meat.org - I went completely vegetarian. I'm almost vegan now. I LOVE spinich in all forms.
My mom says it doesnt surprise her because the moment she became pregnant with me, she could not get herself to eat meat. Being a very responsible mother, she was terrified that she was not getting enough protein for the growing baby - but, no matter what, for some reason inside of her, eating an animal was out of the question. So she made herself eat eggs to compensate. She craved spinish salads and ate one every day. A few months after she gave birth to me, she went back to meat-eating as usual.
She has always thought that she was influenced by the "double aura" - the baby within her had a very strong soul --I REFUSED to eat meat. I HATE to be around it. I've read several books on this, and there are people who notice that some sensitive mothers (and my mom is as sensitive as they come!) adopt certain personality traits of the baby they are carrying. So maybe she was influenced by my aversion to meat as well.
Now, the question: For those of you who have always fought the eating of animals since childhood, did your mothers ever mention that they had an aversion to eating an animal when pregant with you? Or being sensitive towards animal suffering or something?
What did your mother crave? What would they refuse to eat?