Vegan diet fuels life of boundless energy
Kicking the animal-product habit Sept. 21, 2004, Scott Craven
NAME: Bill Kowalewski.
AGE: 31.
HOME: Tempe.
JOB: Machinist.
THE MOTIVATION: A decade ago Kowalewski's diet was like that of any youth who just became old enough to drink. Though relatively healthy, he ate his share of steaks, burgers and processed snacks. But his lifestyle slowly began to change. While most people change their diets for health reasons, he altered his for philosophical reasons.
"I wanted to live in peaceful coexistence with my surroundings," Kowalewski said. "I didn't want to harm the planet or anything in it."
THE CHANGE: The first foods Kowalewski jettisoned were red meat and fowl as he switched to a vegetarian diet. He ate fish for another year until two things happened - he realized his consumption of fish was at odds with his planet-friendly philosophy, and he no longer craved trout, salmon and the like. A few years later he eliminated all animal-based food products, including milk, eggs and cheese.
"It was a pretty easy change to make because I really didn't miss the foods I was cutting out," Kowalewski said. "I was lucky. I know most people would have a harder time."
Kowalewski now is a "raw vegan," meaning he eats only fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and other natural, plant-based products. He sticks mainly to organic food, a preference easier to adhere to now that most supermarkets devote an aisle or two to natural foods.
THE GAIN: The 6-foot-tall machinist weighed 175 pounds in his pre-vegetarian days and is down to 155 today. Kowalewski said weight loss was not a consideration when he converted to vegetarianism, but was a natural byproduct of his vegan diet.
"I never felt I was overweight," Kowalewski said. "But now I don't have an ounce of fat on me."
His diet has fueled him with boundless energy. Kowalewski says he sleeps only a few hours each night and rarely tires. His mind remains fresh and alert and his mood is typically in the good-to-excellent range.
"It's made me more peaceful," says Kowalewski, reflecting on his philosophy as much as his diet.
KOWALEWSKI'S TIPS: The restaurant industry has yet to embrace diners as particular as Kowalewski. More times than not, he'll bring an organic trail mix when dining out with friends.
"If you're going to be pretty strict about the things you eat, you've got to be prepared," he says. "When I know I'm going to be out, I'll pack something from home. That way I'll have something in case there's nothing on the menu."