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Thread: Receipts needed for animal rights art project

  1. #1

    Default Receipts needed for animal rights art project

    I'm a vegan artist who makes art about the animal issue, this is my site:

    I need a hell of a lot of receipts, thousands, so please please please....get some receipts and send them to me.

    Ok, here´s the info:

    Description of the installation

    The walls of a room will be completely covered with thousands of receipts so the viewers will find themselves surrounded. The food products that contain animal derived ingredients will be underlined. Shopping receipts are the proof (real, symbolic and legal) of what we consume, an activity that has a underestimated effect on non-human animals.
    Supply and demand.
    Daily actions and their repercussions.

    I´m asking people to please collect receipts from supermarkets and other food stores and send them to me by postal mail. I already have hundreds but I need thousands!

    · They must contain primarily food products.
    · I need both vegan receipts and non-vegan ones.
    · It doesn't matter if they are wrinkled, dirty, badly printed, or what country they are from.
    . Make a small pencil mark on the side of the products listed you know are not vegan.

    Receipts fit in an envelope and are light, so it's easy and cheap to mail them.
    As I way to thank the contributors (the wonderful people who believed in the project enough to make the effort), I will send them a photograph/postcard of the installation and a cool exclusive pin.

    Some ideas to get receipts:
    Keeping your own, asking you family and friends to give you theirs, picking up the ones discarded by shoppers at supermarkets and asking the cashier to give you some (I tell them I´m doing a stats project and they give me them gladly) Be creative!.
    I recommend you put a special box for them at a prominent place in your house, that way you won´t forget to collect them, unlike some friends of mine who I have to keep reminding...

    There is no proper deadline, although I would like to have enough receipts to prepare the installation by the end of February 2007.
    I will show the piece at a good art space, probably in the UK. An explanatory text will accompany it.

    If you would like to contribute, and be part of this project, write to veronica AT and I will get back with my postal address.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Receipts needed for animal rights art project

    Your work is amazing!!
    I really love this receipt idea, and the photography is so cute and the lighting is awesome!
    I find it really inspiring.
    Good luck with your project, I'll try and send some your way asap!

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