This is part of an article I found in last week's Observer magazine. Although not directly promoting veganism it does conclude that eating animals is very bad for the environment. It raises some useful facts for igorant omnis. Hope you find interesting.
"A typical European meat eater will devour 760 chickens, 20 pigs, 29 sheep, five cows and half a trawler-net of fish in a lifetime."
"But there's no getting away from the fact that the really ethical approach to meat is to give it up. If you can step aside from the issue of killing animals in the first place, after driving a car, eating meat is alleged to be the most environmentally destructive thing you can do. The intensive farming of the global herd for meat and dairy causes deforestation, desertification and uses up precious land and water resources. It takes 100,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of beef but only 900 litres to produce 1kg of wheat. Thirty-eight per cent of the world's grain is fed to chicken, pigs and cows to produce meat for a minority of people in the developed world. If you want to feed the world, the theory goes, then you'd better turn veggie - irrespective of tasty sausages."
full article:,00.html