Hi there everyone. I just decided to be vegan for the reasons of the animals, my health and the environmental impact. My confusion is the definition of a vegan. I personally stopped eating animal products does this alone make one vegan? or is the combination of no use of products (hair stuff and what not) that makes one vegan?
I still have all my beauty products as of now cause I don't know which ones are good and bad. Ive been doing research and just winding up more confused. I don't want to use animals for anything (except for giving them my love lol).
I want to use products that don't contain any animal parts or testing on animals. This is something I'm finding hard cause I don't know the names of stuff that is in these hair products and whatnot. I guess I'm asking for help or references to this, if that makes sense. Where do I find products that are safe but don't cost an arm and a leg to get?
This newbie will take any advice one would like to share. Thanks to all
Last thing can I safely call myself a vegan? I have cut out all animal products from my diet as of now and plan on doing the same with the beauty stuff.