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Thread: Cancer and animal products

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Cancer and animal products

    Posted by Korn Jan 27 2004, 12:28 PM


    Cancer can have many causes, one of them being diet. Yesterday I used Google to look for some more background info on the connection between cancer and animal products, and since these findings might be of interest for others too, I'll post them below.

    Lots of the links are about the most common forms of cancer, since these are the forms that there probably has been the most research on. (Since the known connection between cancer and meat is relatively new, my personal guess is that we will see more cases where animal products also are linked to other forms of cancer and other diseases in the near future.)

    If you look at these links, you'll find a lot more info.

    "Scientific research shows that ovo-lacto-vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters, and vegans are the healthiest overall.
    A vegetarian diet helps to prevent cancer. Numerous epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that vegetarians are nearly 50 percent less likely to die from cancer than non-vegetarians. Similarly, breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in nations, such as China, that follow plant-based diets. Interestingly, Japanese women who follow Western-style, meat-based diets are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow a more traditional plant-based diet.
    Vegetarians also have lower rates of colon cancer than meat-eaters. Animal products are usually high in fat and always devoid of fiber. Meat and dairy products contribute to many forms of cancer, including cancer of the colon, breast, and prostate. Colon cancer has been directly linked to meat consumption. High-fat diets also encourage the body's production of estrogens, in particular, estradiol. Increased levels of this sex hormone have been linked to breast cancer. One recent study linked dairy products to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The process of breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) into galactose evidently damages the ovaries. "

    "Several major medical studies link the consumption of animal products-meat, fish, eggs, and dairy items-to increased risk of prostate enlargement and cancer. Daily meat consumption triples the risk of prostate cancer. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk. Failing to consume vegetables regularly almost quadruples it. "
    "...After several years, however, he resumed eating chicken and fish, to see what would happen. The cancer returned viciously "

    "Up to 80% of all breast cancers and bowel cancers could be prevented if people improved their eating habits... The British way of nourishment, with its emphasis on meat, processed food like sausages and dearth of fruit and vegetables is causing the nation major health problems."
    (The Guardian, 11.12.98, reporting on a new BMJ-published study by John Cummings et al of Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre, Cambridge University.)

    "Virtually every degenerative disease of modern society can be traced back to the consumption of animal products.
    Compare this with Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet. (from the PCRM literature Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine)
    Preventing cancer: "Numerous epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that vegetarians are nearly 50% less likely to die from cancer than non vegetarians." "

    "Studies have shown a direct correlation between meat consumption and colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and lung cancer. Every 55 seconds another American succumbs to cancer.
    Colon cancer: meat and animal products rotting in the intestine release carcinogenic toxins, which cause the cancer.
    Breast cancer: high levels of estrogen and dioxin (a pesticide which acts like estrogen in the body) in animal products, overstimulates breast cells and eventually sets off the uncontrolled growth that is cancer.

    "Colon cancer is one of the world's top killers, but if you're a vegetarian, you have reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Meat-eaters, take note. The recent study by the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study chillingly confirms what previous smaller studies have shown for years: Consumption of animal products are likely to cause colorectal (colon and rectal) cancer.
    The massive EPIC study is the biggest ever into diet and cancer. It involved 406,323 people from nine countries over a period of 15 years. "

    "Happily, eating a healthy, low-fat, vegan diet-free of animal products-has no downside, as it also significantly reduces the chances of getting such serious problems as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and digestive-tract cancers. "

    "The single most important dietary change to lower cancer risk is to become a vegetarian. "

    "Hardly a month passes without a report of another study linking consumption of animal fat and meat with elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other killer diseases that cripple and kill 1.3 million Americans and cost $300 billion annually. "

    "The rate of colon cancer in meat eating cultures is up to ten times the rate of the non-meat eating cultures of Asia and the developing world. Research has shown that in those cultures eating plant-based diets, colon and prostate cancer are virtually nonexistent. The National Cancer Institute now encourages Americans to increase their consumption of common vegetables and fruits to reduce the risk of certain cancers and other diseases. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute have found that both fat and calories increase the risk of breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute is part of the National Institute of Health, which estimates that 35 percent of all cancer deaths are related to diet and two-thirds of all deaths - including those from coronary heart disease, strokes, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and some cancers - are related to lifestyle choices, including what we eat.

    All animal products (meat, fish, fowl, eggs, and milk products) are high in cholesterol, protein, calories, and have no fiber. All animal products except fish are also high in saturated fat. In contrast, all plant products (vegetables, fruits, grains) are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber and low in calories with no cholesterol. The only plant products high in saturated fat are tropical oils (coconut oil, palm oil) and hydrogenated oil. People who live on a vegan diet (a diet which excludes all animal products, including milk and eggs) live longer, as studies of Seventh Day Adventists have shown.

    "The strongest risk factor for prostate cancer mortality was animal products, such as meat and dairy products; the strongest risk reduction factors were onions and other protective vegetable products (cereals/grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables, but excluding alcohol, oils, and added sugar (sweeteners)). "

    "Many studies have suggested a link between a high fat diet, rich in animal products, and breast cancer. "!gid1=1063

    "Meat consumption is more closely associated with colon cancer than any other dietary factor. "

  2. #2
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Fish promotes breast cancer

    Fish Promotes Breast Cancer

    Fish intake is positively associated with breast cancer incidence rate published in the November 2003 issue of the Journal of Nutrition by Connie Stripp found the risk of a woman developing breast cancer increases when she eats more fish.The investigation studied 23,693 postmenopausal women, average age of 57 years.

    For each 25 grams (less than an ounce) of lean fish consumed daily there was a 13% increase in risk of breast cancer.
    For fatty fish the increase was 11% for each 25 grams. These findings are exactly the opposite of most of those that are found in experiments done in laboratories on animals. This may be because the laboratory experiments testing the link between fish fats (omega-3 fats) and cancer feed only omega-3 fats to the animals studied. A diet that includes only omega-3 fats would never be found in natural living conditions. In the real world where a mixture of fats is consumed, fish fat can be very cancer-promoting. Here are a few possible reasons:

    1) Fish and fish fat are known to suppress our cancer-fighting immune system.

    2) Fish is contaminated with cancer-causing environmental chemicals (like heavy metals and pesticides).

    3) Cooking fish produces powerful carcinogens called heterocyclic amines.

    For supporting research and more reasons to avoid fish in your health-supporting diet see my February 2003 Newsletter.

    Stripp C, Overvad K, Christensen J, Thomsen BL, Olsen A, Moller S, Tjonneland A. Fish intake is positively associated with breast cancer incidence rate.æ J Nutr. 2003 Nov;133(11):3664-9.
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

  3. #3


    So, is it just a positive association, or have they done studies that shown a causal association? I guess it's just a positive association with speculation that it may be causal because of the points you mentioned? Here is the abstract.

  4. #4

    Default Bad Carbs, Good Carbs, And Cancer

    Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 08:05:15 -0000
    Subject: NOTMILK - Guest Editorial by Dr. John McDougall

    High Carb Diet Linked to Breast Cancer – More Deceit

    Friday's (August 6, 2004) newspapers worldwide scared some people into
    believing there is further reason to follow the low-carb diet craze, with
    headlines like,

    "High carb diet linked to breast cancer – Study finds Mexican women who ate
    lots of carbohydrates twice as likely to get disease" (San Francisco

    According to this newspaper article, these women from Mexico City were
    getting their main carbohydrates from tortillas, soft drinks, and bread.
    You might think it is time to change your diet – as far away from what
    McDougall recommends as possible. Now is not the time for people to make
    the switch to Atkins or South Beach to save their breasts, but rather now
    is the time to sort out the undeniable truth.

    Confusion has been created – and I believe willfully so by reporters and
    researchers – by lumping highly processed foods, like sugars and refined
    flours, and natural carbohydrates, like starches (corn tortillas),
    vegetables and fruits, together. The only excuse for such obviously
    irresponsible reporting is that sensational headlines justifying people's
    bad habits sell newspapers and flatter the egos of researchers by providing
    them a moment in the spotlight.

    The truth, as mentioned much later in the article, is that the
    cancer-producing diet is one high in sodas and desserts, and lacking in
    insoluble fiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

    What the Study Actually Says

    The study published in the August 2004 issue of the journal Cancer
    Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention clearly reported more breast cancer
    in women who ate more calories, protein, total carbohydrates, sucrose, and
    fructose. (1)

    Sucrose is table sugar and fructose is the primary sugar found in soft
    drinks (sodas); usually reported as high fructose corn syrup. Eating more
    fiber and starch (often referred to as complex carbohydrates), both only
    found in plant foods, meant less breast cancer according to the study.

    The explanation for carbohydrates increasing breast cancer rates was that
    an increase in dietary carbohydrate raises blood sugar and insulin levels.
    This results in an elevation of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), which
    raises the risk of cancer. IGF-1 does play an important role in cancer,
    however, research shows this growth-stimulating hormone is increased in our
    diets primarily by animal proteins, (2) and especially those derived from
    dairy products. (3) My guess is these important facts were overlooked
    because this information did not fit into the authors' pet theory.

    Regardless, what is clear is that the diet of Hispanics in Mexico and the
    USA has progressively deteriorated over the past 50 years, and as a result,
    their rates of obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer of the
    breast, colon, and prostate have increased as expected. (4,5)

    If you have been to a major city anywhere in Mexico, or Central or South
    America, like Mexico City, then you know what I am talking about. There is
    a fast-food restaurant on every corner; the supermarket shelves are lined
    with greasy corn and potato chips, and other "junk" carbohydrates; and meat
    and dairy products are coveted by people wanting to share in the American

    Women Following the Traditional Mexican Diet Have Much Less Breast Cancer

    The truth about the diet of women of Mexican ancestry and breast cancer is
    summed up in an article from the New York Academy of Science (6):

    "...the age-adjusted rate of breast cancer in countries such as Mexico is
    among the lowest in the world. In addition, although one of the
    fastest-growing minority groups in the United States, Hispanic women living
    in this country have been shown to have the lowest incidence of the
    mortality rates from this disease across most geographic regions of the
    United States. Therefore, one might speculate that dietary factors, which
    have been shown to play a role in breast cancer prevention, may account for
    this difference. It is well recognized that the traditional Hispanic diet
    is rich in protective nutrients such as dietary fiber. It is known that
    through complex mechanisms, dietary fiber works to reduce the amount of
    estrogens in the body."

    The traditional Mexican diet has been one of corn (tortillas), beans,
    fruits and vegetables. This kind of eating is associated with very low
    rates of breast cancer and all other diseases common to people living in
    Western societies. (7)

    There are many qualities of traditional plant-based foods that prevent
    diseases, qualities that include their dietary starch, fiber, vitamins,
    minerals, and other phyto-nutrients. On the other hand, animal-based, and
    highly-processed, foods encourage cancer growth because they lack these
    plant-food ingredients and are high in cholesterol, fat, protein, and
    environmental chemicals. (8)

    Breast cancer in Mexico is on the rise, affecting younger women with more
    frequency for one obvious reason. The younger generations are targeted by,
    and most easily fall prey to, the marketing efforts of the food industries.
    Articles like this one that appear in our press serve to confuse people and
    further compound our worldwide health problems. Newspaper reporters who
    write this nonsense, and researchers that allow this dishonesty to go on
    uncorrected, should be ashamed of themselves, and may someday be held
    accountable for the human suffering caused by twisting the truth.


    1) Isabelle Romieu, Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Luisa Maria Sanchez-Zamorano,
    Walter Willett, and Mauricio Hernandez-Avila Carbohydrates and the Risk of
    Breast Cancer among Mexican Women Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004 13:

    2) Yu H. Role of the insulin-like growth factor family in cancer
    development and progression. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2000 Sep

    3) Holmes MD. Dietary correlates of plasma insulin-like growth factor I and
    insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 concentrations. Cancer
    Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2002 Sep;11(9):852-61.

    4) Jimenez-Cruz A, Bacardi-Gascon M, Turnbull WH, Rosales-Garay P,
    Severino-Lugo I. A flexible, low-glycemic index mexican-style diet in
    overweight and obese subjects with type 2 diabetes improves metabolic
    parameters during a 6-week treatment period. Diabetes Care. 2003

    5) Rivera JA, Barquera S, Campirano F, Campos I, Safdie M, Tovar V.
    Epidemiological and nutritional transition in Mexico: rapid increase of
    non-communicable chronic diseases and obesity. Public Health Nutr. 2002

    6) Jones LA, Gonzalez R, Pillow PC, Gomez-Garza SA, Foreman CJ, Chilton JA,
    Linares A, Yick J, Badrei M, Hajek RA.. Dietary fiber, Hispanics, and
    breast cancer risk? Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Dec 26;837:524-36.

    7) Malin AS, Qi D, Shu XO, Gao YT, Friedmann JM, Jin F, Zheng W. Intake of
    fruits, vegetables and selected micronutrients in relation to the risk of
    breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jun 20; 105(3):413-8.

    8) Kushi L, Giovannucci E. Dietary fat and cancer. Am J Med. 2002 Dec
    30;113 Suppl 9B:63S-70S. Review.

    9) Romieu I, Hernandez-Avila M, Lazcano-Ponce E, Weber JP, Dewailly E.
    Breast cancer, lactation history, and serum organochlorines. Am J
    Epidemiol. 2000 Aug 15;152(4):363-70.
    __________________________________________________ __________
    Thanks to Dr. McDougall for the passion it took to
    research and write this article!

    Please visit Dr. John McDougall's website for
    multiple doses of magnificent medical advice:

    Robert Cohen

  5. #5

    Angry Cancer event, food at

    Tonight the local American Cancer Society will be kicking off its annual fundraiser with a dinner. The event is catered by Fatz, an American casual restaurant. All these cancer events center around meat and dairy foods. I want to scream, "People, this diet is one of the main reasons many of you have cancer." Then I want to suggest they spend their energy going vegan and lobbying against pollution in the environment.

  6. #6


    I went to the hospital to work with an ill friend who is HIV Positive, has cirrhosis of the liver and a kidney & lung infection.

    His dinner while in the hospital? Coffee, Cream of Potato Soup, A white roll with margarine (hydrogentated), broiled fish swimming in margarine, Gelatin, BOILED to death green beans and ice cream.

    Okay, dairy= phlegm producing and hard on the kidneys & lungs

    White flour & Sugar= phlegm producing & constipating (which forces the liver to work harder)

    Fish= hard on the kidneys & liver, no fiber (constipating & high sodium)

    Hydrogenated Oil= POISON!

    Coffee= acid-forming & dehydrating

    It makes me so sad...

  7. #7
    feline01's Avatar
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    I was sickened that the hospital I gave birth at has a McDonald's in it. So one can eat all their meals there and then just go upstairs for their triple by-pass. Disgusting. Plus, they closed the regular cafetaria early and the McDonald's stayed open late.

  8. #8


    I will never support the American Cancer Society. They're all about finding the cancer and treating it, when really, we should be focusing on preventing it, i.e., stop eating animals and their secretions and regular exercise (and obviously no tobacco use). Common sense, really. Those bastards take people's donations and don't ever put it to good use. What a waste. Then you have the idiots that trust them because they're supposed to be doing good. Well, I have yet to see the ACS actually educate people.

  9. #9


    Oh, and I love how they say that doing monthly self breast exams PREVENTS cancer. Last I checked, it may find it, but not prevent it. They are liars and/or misleaders. It makes me sick.

    I bet they'll sit there at dinner and talk about how good the flesh is that they're eating.

    Would you like me to tell you what I really think?

  10. #10

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    Sep 2004


    Yeah I always find it ironic when:

    1. An animal rescue organization has a BBQ fundraiser. WTF?

    2. The heart and stroke foundation has a BBQ fundraiser. Again, WTF?

  11. #11


    Quote meatless
    Yeah I always find it ironic when:

    1. An animal rescue organization has a BBQ fundraiser. WTF?

    2. The heart and stroke foundation has a BBQ fundraiser. Again, WTF?

    Aye, I used to work for a rescue whose founders were; one meat eating housewife, and one ex-Dairy farmer husband.
    Every fundraiser included a BBQ, plus other ill-assorted yukkies to eat/drink.
    I lived in a caravan in their garden, they used to introduce me as 'the Vegan, he-he!', as though I was the odd one!!
    It really used to upset me, why can't these kind of people see the irony there????

  12. #12


    Oh, geez. It's like the "animal lover" who was so sweet to give pigs' ears to his dog. WTF?

  13. #13


    Another incidence of health care hypocrisy takes place in my workplace breakroom. The man and woman who own the vending machines stock them with the typical salt and sugar fare. He is also a licensed massage therapist. Was he absent the day they covered nutrition?

  14. #14

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    Default Cancer screenings

    From what I hear, to be screened for cancer is VERY costly, and I could never afford it. But seeing as I have so much cancer in my family I feel almost like I should be entitled to it! (Just to list a few people, my mother, both grandmothers, one grandfather, Uncle and 1st cousin have all either had cancer or died from it).

    Has anybody had a cancer screening and what does it involve? Or does anybody feel like they should be just entitled to it too!!!

  15. #15

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    When my mother was in the Peter McCallum CANCER institute, being treated for lung cancer, not only were her meals akin to the one's being mentioned, but lots of the staff would join the patients for a smoke outside. And being in the lung cancer ward, and having at least one person die every couple of days, you would think that it may be a motivator to quit????

  16. #16
    feline01's Avatar
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    If you mean like a pap smear, I get one every year and am diligent after my gynecologist finding abnormal cells a few years ago. I also get a yearly breast exam and had a mammogram once after my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I never had a total cancer screening if there is such a thing here. I doubt my insurance company would pay for it, they rather wait for me to get cancer and then pay for the treatment

  17. #17

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    No I mean whole body screenings

  18. #18


    Scans, right? They are about $500.00-2000.00 here...

  19. #19


    Quote Andie
    Tonight the local American Cancer Society will be kicking off its annual fundraiser with a dinner. The event is catered by Fatz, an American casual restaurant. All these cancer events center around meat and dairy foods. I want to scream, "People, this diet is one of the main reasons many of you have cancer." Then I want to suggest they spend their energy going vegan and lobbying against pollution in the environment.
    Well Andie, what goes around, comes around.

  20. #20


    Unfortunately the environmental issues are also effecting all of us. Even eating organic, we get bad stuff in the air and water ( i haven't bought a filtering system yet) I do feel sorry for folks who have cancer and then have a recurrence. I know ACS tells people to change their diet but it doesn't seem to sink in. One of these days when I learn enough, I'm going to teach a vegan cooking class at the community college.

  21. #21
    gorillagorilla Gorilla's Avatar
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    Quote Banana
    When my mother was in the Peter McCallum CANCER institute, being treated for lung cancer, not only were her meals akin to the one's being mentioned, but lots of the staff would join the patients for a smoke outside. And being in the lung cancer ward, and having at least one person die every couple of days, you would think that it may be a motivator to quit????
    as far as i know, a lot of healthcare workers smoke, despite being confronted with the consequences of smoking every day in the hospitals and clinics.

    don't many of the major cancer and heart disease prevention charities (in the UK at least) spend vast amounts of their donated cash on worthless animal testing, and hardly any money promoting ways to avoid these problems, such as avoiding animal produce?
    'The word gorilla was derived from the Greek word Gorillai (a "tribe of hairy women")'

  22. #22


    Gert Vegan'll tell you a little bit about the food at the British Heart Foundation fund raiser we went too, and also about their obsession with animal tests. Though we weren't there to support BHF

  23. #23
    cedartree cedarblue's Avatar
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    Exclamation prostrate cancer and crohns disease

    for your here

  24. #24

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    Excellent article, Cedar.

  25. #25


    The 'friend' to whom I previously referred in my 'shaking with anger' post, has Crohns. She is rushed to hospital every few months with heavy bleeding.
    In between hospital visits she fills her body with chocolate, cake, biscuits, lots of meat, and drinks copious amounts of Bacardi and Wine. She also smokes cigars!

  26. #26


    In fact, thinking about it, this woman with Crohns was brought up on her parents' farm - I wonder if that is the link??

  27. #27

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    Sep 2004

    Default Milk doubles chance of ovarian cancer

    Drinking more than one glass of milk a day could double the risk of developing a certain type of ovarian cancer, according to a new study.

    Swedish researchers studied over 61,000 women aged 38-76 enrolled in a long term study, whose daily consumption of dairy products during a three year period was assessed.

    They found high intakes of lactose in dairy products led to an increased risk of a serious form of ovarian cancer, but not to other subtypes.

    Women who drank more than one glass of cow's milk a day, whether full-fat, semi-skimmed or skimmed were twice as likely to have been diagnosed with the disease on follow-up, compared with those who never or seldom drank milk.

    But cheese, ice-cream and butter - which have lower levels of lactose - were not linked with the risk of any ovarian cancers, said the researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Stockholm

    They speculated that lactose may act as a toxin to oocytes, or may induce high concentrations of gonadotropins that stimulate the proliferation of the ovarian surface epithelium, which leads to the development of cancer cells.

    taken from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2004) 80: 1353-1357, published in the Nursing Times, 7-13 December 2004

  28. #28


    I saw this in a newspaper recently and thought it was interesting, especially as a lot of womens magazines have been promoting dairy products lately to 'aid slimming'.

  29. #29
    gertvegan's Avatar
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    Arrow Alarming ignorance of cancer risk (UK)

    Alarming ignorance of cancer risk

    Wednesday, 12 January, 2005

    There is an alarming ignorance about cancer and how to reduce the risk of the disease, a survey has suggested.
    Many of the 4,000 British people questioned were unaware that diet, alcohol and weight were all factors that can influence the risk.

    The study was commissioned by Cancer Research UK, which is launching a campaign to promote lifestyle changes which cut the odds of getting cancer.

    Research suggests that at least half of all cases of cancer could be prevented.

    But Cancer Research UK says that message has not go through to the public. The survey results reveal much confusion about what increases the risk of cancer.

    Of the 4,000 people questioned, two-thirds (66%) were unaware that being overweight or obese increases the risk of some cancers.

    A similar figure (67%) did not know that a diet low in fruit and vegetables could increase their chance of getting the disease.

    Only one-third mentioned drinking less alcohol as a way of reducing risk.

    And around 75% were ignorant of the cancer risks posed by taking HRT or having many sexual partners.

    Misguided fears

    In contrast, almost a quarter (24%) believed living near power lines was a risk. And more than one-third (34%) thought stress was linked to cancer.

    There is no strong scientific evidence to support either of these beliefs.

    The survey did find that the majority of people are aware that cancer is linked to smoking and over-exposure to the sun.

    Professor Alex Markham, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: "The fundamental aim of this campaign is to alert everyone to the fact that each one of us can reduce our risk of getting cancer.

    "There is no magic pill to prevent us getting the disease but there are many things we can all do in our daily lives to improve our chances of avoiding it."

    The Reduce the Risk campaign will target thousands of GP surgeries, health promotion units, hospitals and outpatient departments with leaflets and posters on its key messages.

    Information will be distributed to local authority leisure centres, swimming pools and shopping centres.

    Jola Gore-Booth, chief executive of the charity Colon Cancer Concern, said: "Making people aware of these factors is a significant challenge when it comes to bowel cancer: people often find it embarrassing to talk about this part of their body.

    "Yet when diagnosed in its early stages, bowel cancer is highly treatable - hence raising awareness is so important."

    Cancer is diagnosed in more than 270,000 people in Britain each year.

  30. #30
    MzNatural's Avatar
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    Quote gertvegan
    A similar figure (67%) did not know that a diet low in fruit and vegetables could increase their chance of getting the disease.
    Shouldn't that be 'decrease'?
    Interesting article, the numbers are similar here in the USA.

  31. #31
    gertvegan's Avatar
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    Quote me
    A similar figure (67%) did not know that a diet low in fruit and vegetables could increase their chance of getting the disease.
    I had to read it on few times.

  32. #32
    MzNatural's Avatar
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    Quote gertvegan
    I had to read it on few times.
    Thanks Gert!

    I was hoping I was overlooking something.

  33. #33
    Goddess foxytina_69's Avatar
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    Default what different things cause cancer?

    what are some things or factors that cause cancer? (doesnt matter what type of cancer.) like gertvegan just showed me, soda may cause cancer. what are some other things? id like to make a 'booklet' type thing, with point facts of the things that cause all types of cancer, and id love to get vegan's input.
    "you dont have to be tall to see the moon" - african proverb

  34. #34

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    Smoking - it gave my Mum lung cancer and now she's dead.

  35. #35
    I eve's Avatar
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    Stress - it gave my youngest son cancer (he was barely 39 yrs old), and he died in 1991.

  36. #36
    AR Activist Roxy's Avatar
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    My brother recently told me that talcum powder can cause cancer. Does anyone have any factual evidence that could help back this up?


  37. #37
    I eve's Avatar
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    Not exactly factual, but even doctors now say women should avoid powdering genital area, and avoid powder near cuts or grazes. My sister worked for a large company that made talc, and she warned me never to use talc, but she didn't give a reason - she worked in the office but it was from what she heard from the factory scene.

  38. #38
    AR Activist Roxy's Avatar
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    Thanks Eve. Wow.....I would love to know why your sister said what she did.....just as you probably want to know too!

    That is serious cause for concern though, considering that a lot of mothers out there, use powder in their baby's nappies to help stop chafe and absorb sweat etc.

  39. #39
    Goddess foxytina_69's Avatar
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    doesnt cornstarch work the same way that talc would?
    "you dont have to be tall to see the moon" - african proverb

  40. #40
    AR Activist Roxy's Avatar
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    I'm not sure Foxy.

  41. #41


    I use that mineral rock deodorant as I do not like using any other sort, because of the chemicals in them getting through the skin, I am sure there could be a link with that and breast cancer!

    Wasnt there a scare some time ago about carrigean(spelling!!) and a certain fat in veggie/vegan products, can't remember the name, began hydro --.

  42. #42
    veganblue's Avatar
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    Quote Roxy
    My brother recently told me that talcum powder can cause cancer. Does anyone have any factual evidence that could help back this up?

    I just read a reference about talc that does *not* contain asbestos in useage around the outside of the lung to prevent pleural oedema (lung space filling with fluid). Maybe at some point the talc sourced contained asbestos which would have lead to asbestosis of the lungs.

  43. #43
    kriz's Avatar
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    Quote tails4wagging
    I use that mineral rock deodorant as I do not like using any other sort, because of the chemicals in them getting through the skin, I am sure there could be a link with that and breast cancer!

    Wasnt there a scare some time ago about carrigean(spelling!!) and a certain fat in veggie/vegan products, can't remember the name, began hydro --.
    Unlike many other natural deodorants, the mineral stick really works. I love it! In US you can find it at chains like Whole Foods or smaller health food markets. The one brand I use is called Crystal Rock Stick, it's purple. I've also heard that there's a link between breast cancer and deodorants which contain chemicals.
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  44. #44
    veganblue's Avatar
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    Quote kriz
    Unlike many other natural deodorants, the mineral stick really works. I love it! In US you can find it at chains like Whole Foods or smaller health food markets. The one brand I use is called Crystal Rock Stick, it's purple. I've also heard that there's a link between breast cancer and deodorants which contain chemicals.
    I use the rock crystal too! It does work but I have never worn one out - but repeatedly find that they don't bounce on tiles... *sigh*

  45. #45
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    A friend of mine bought tons of them for his family in Portugal as Christmas presents. I love useful gifts.
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  46. #46

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    Quote tails4wagging
    Wasnt there a scare some time ago about carrigean(spelling!!) and a certain fat in veggie/vegan products, can't remember the name, began hydro --.
    Are you thinking of hydrogenated vegetable oil, used in lots of processed food, not just veg*n foods.
    Haven't heard anything about it being carcinogenic but as a trans fat it is considered to be worse than saturated fat, especially regarding heart disease.

  47. #47
    kriz's Avatar
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    Got to try the Crystal Rock Deodorant - it does not cause cancer.
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  48. #48
    Kiva Dancer's Avatar
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    Yes, deodorant stones are the best!!

    Another thing that causes cancer: heating foods hotter than 400*f. It does something that makes carcinigens (sp) form which over time causes cancer.
    It's vegan, which means it's vegetarian which means there's nothing unheathy in it. -- my guy trying to explain vegan junkfood.

  49. #49
    kriz's Avatar
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    What about microwaves and cellphones?....
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  50. #50
    I eve's Avatar
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    And what about 'zapped' foods, including veges?

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