Hello all! I've been very active in good causes lately and I thought I'd share what I've learned and bring it to The Vegan Forum. I will continue to update you all on current issues and what you can do to save the planet. I am bringing you a list of things you can do that are the simplest of things, basically deciding whether to do it or not that make a difference in the world. Not much extra effort is needed, maybe it will cost a bit more money, but no more than that. Or you are going to save a lot of money, so in the end everything will equal out!
~~Help Preserve Water - Today's topic
~~Help Preserve Air
~~Help Preserve Energy
~~Help Preserve Wildlife
~~Help Preserve Your Health
~~Help Preserve Resources
~~Help Preserve Earth
Help Preserve Water
Related links that will totally surprise you (click text)
~~50 Water Facts and Conservation Tips - AMAZING, I would have never thought all these things contribute to so much water waste. "Each can of soda requires 29,000 gallons of water to produce"
What you can do
~~Wash only full loads of laundry and on a warm cycle.
~~Take shorter showers. If you need to cool down, you can cool down even quicker by just getting soaked in cold water, and then standing in front of a fan instead of staying in the shower for 20 minutes
~~install low-flow shower heads to conserve hot water
~~Fill up two large containers with water and bath with just that, I do it everyday because my water is so bad at my house, so I Brita-filter my water. You'd be surprised how you can clean yourself very well with only about 6 gallons of water. The average shower uses 20 gallons of water.
~~Another reason to use less gas, Each gallon of gasoline per week requires 1,000 gallons of water to produce.
~~Another reason to not drink soda (because it only makes you fat or gives you cancer, if that didn't convince you...), Each can of soda requires 29,000 gallons of water to produce.
~~Read news online, Each newspaper requires 66,000 gallons of water to produce.
~~"If it's yellow be mellow, if it's brown flush it down" an old saying my dad taught me. I understand it's gross, but 40% of indoor water is from flushing the toilet. Now, as long as it isn't sitting there all day, if you only peed a little, seriously, wait till you have to go a second time to flush.
~~Turn off the water when washing your hands and brushing your teeth. The average sink uses 1.5 gallons of water per minute and we are taught to brush for 2 minutes = 3 gallons of wasted water.
~~Use less water in all ways, tap water costs between 7-40 cents per gallon in the united states. A 10 minute shower takes 40 gallons, it's costing you between $2.80-$16.00 to take a shower. Take a 5 minute shower
~~When shaving, keep a bowl of water next to you. Soak your legs, add the cream, shave, and rinse your blade in the bowl, shake it around to remove the hair instead of leaving the water on wasting about 1 gallon per minute
~~There are sooooo many more...
Water-saving Petitions you can sign (click text)
~~Keep U.S. Waters Safe and Clean!
~~Tell Congress not to allow drilling off our coasts
~~Enforce the Federal Clean Water Act
~~Help Prevent Oil Spills In Alaska’s Coastal Waters!
Urge your senators to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty
~~Oil & Water Don't Mix: Stop Offshore Oil
Urge your representative to co-sponsor an important ocean protection bill
~~Universal Ratification Of The World Water Organization PetitionAnd there are many more...