Hi guys,

It's nearly Christmas!! it's the perfect time of year to complain! YEAAH! How's about this... Gordon Ramsey’s “right hand man” at Boxwood Cafe, Stuart Gillies, was featured in the Metro paper yesterday (Tuesday Dec 2nd) promoting Foie Gras.

Quote :-

Metro – “A private cooking ritual?”

Stuart Gillies – “Foie Gras for my wife, Cecilia. She adores it. We couldn’t have Christmas without it marinated in spices, then rolled in muslin and poached in sweet wine.”

I find this no more gross than when anyone talks about any meat product, but since there's a lot of noise against Foie gras it's a good thing to complain about.

Email them here and tell them off for allowing this garbage - food@ukmetro.co.uk