Anyone who is a member of the Centre for Alternative Technology should have seen a debate about whether going vegan is necessary for environmentalists in their magazine, Clean Slate. There's an online follow-up debate starting on the CAT forum, for anyone who has already signed up or fancies registering there ( to join in:
Would you go vegan for the environment?
Yes, I already have 50% ( 3 )
I’m still thinking about it 0% ( 0 )
No, I don’t think it would help 50% ( 3 )
"What did you think of the arguments for and against a totally vegan diet in the latest issue of Clean Slate magazine? Did you agree with Simon Fairlie that reducing the amount of animal products you eat is better than cutting them out completely? Or do you think Nigel Winter is right to say that if you’re an environmentalist you should be vegan? Take the poll, discuss the issues…"
Edit: "Nigel Winter wins this debate in my opinion." vs. "This seems to me a debate between idealism (we should all be vegans) and pragmatism (lets see what works), so in the end no one wins."