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Thread: Vegan Whistler?

  1. #1
    Chris O's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default Vegan Whistler?

    Hello there!
    My Girlfriend and I are going to be visiting Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler this summer and so far, Vancouver and Victoria look great for vegans!
    It's not looking so good in WHislter though. The only bits I have found are on a website called 'Vegan underground'.
    I should be able to stack up for the few days we'll be there but any advice or recommendations would be most appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Chris O
    Twigs and Gravel (what do you eat?)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    This thread title is blatantly misleading!! I'm upset now.
    "cake is a good tool for the revolution!!!" - saycheezly

  3. #3
    Chris O's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    Sorry about that. Which bit of it is upsetting you? If you let me know I can amend it.
    Hope that's ok
    Twigs and Gravel (what do you eat?)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    I thought this would be about vegan whistling, and was let down.
    "cake is a good tool for the revolution!!!" - saycheezly

  5. #5
    Chris O's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    Unless I've totally got the wrong idea, I'm really releived! I was thinking that the first post I've done in ages had caused ofence. Doh.
    Maybe it is worth starting a vegan whistling group though?
    Twigs and Gravel (what do you eat?)

  6. #6
    * petunia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?


    I am a vegan living in North Vancouver, which is about an hour away from Whistler. I've spent a fair amount of time there, and from my observations, you're right. They're not so accommodating to the vegan lifestyle.

    Where are you staying, and for how long? Whistler is very expensive so you might be best to make your own food. If you are looking to eat out though, a good place would be Mongolie Grill, which has stir frys that that make right in front of you. There are probably a number of sushi restaurants as well, where you could get vegan sushi.

    Sorry I'm not that much help, but enjoy your trip!

  7. #7
    Chris O's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    Hi Petunia

    Thanks for the info on the Mongolie Grill, sounds good!

    We're only going to be in Whistler for three days so I was thinking of seeing what I can stock up on in Vancouver. I'm guessing the Best Western are not going to be offering a huge choice of vegan food!

    Thanks again
    Twigs and Gravel (what do you eat?)

  8. #8
    * petunia's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Vegan Whistler?

    Probably not, no! Have fun!

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