Does anyone monitor/data log their home's power consumption?
You can get devices for about £20 to do it that clip onto the main feed to fuse box then have a wireless display. I bought a slightly prettier version second hand for about £60 a month or two back:
It's useful for checking whether you've left something on - ours glows red in the living room if the oven/kettle/dishwasher/washing machine/microwave/hair drier etc is running.
Things I've found so far:
- Cooking in the microwave (850W) uses far, far less power than our A rated oven.
- When everything is turned off we still use 200-300W. I know that our home automation system uses about 50W, but there's somewhere other things using a lot more. The fridge is the only thing I can think of, but haven't done a proper test yet. The tv/home cinema gear uses a total of 4W in standby, as it's on X10.
- The dishwasher and washing machine (both A rated) cost about 40-50p in electricity for one cycle. Running them at night (we're on Economy7) would save about 30p.
- Things I thought were using more power than they should arent, such as cordless phone chargers.
Haven't gotten as far as using it to plot graphs of carbon usage yet.