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Thread: Fear of dogs

  1. #1

    Default Fear of dogs

    I've always had this fear except dogs in the family/certain breeds sometimes-labs,spaniels,or with maybe smaller dogs.One dog in our cul-de sac yesterday walked after me barking(size of a staffordshire bull terrier I think,the black ones) and went on to our grass,it didn't come closer and I got through the door.It started barking again last week as I left to go to classes,but I told it "away" and it shut up that time.However,I always cross the road,I can't walk past them,I get nervous when I see them coming,on or off a lead.If I am on the same side I will wait for the dog to pass away and then carry on walking.People think it's strange,but I'm small and they have teeth and jaws!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    My boyfriend and my bestfriend are scared of dogs. They both say it's because they're unpredictable and neither has ever had a pet dog.

    If you want to get over it, then do you have friends with dogs? Could you spend some time with them and just get used to a dog being around?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    We have a dog here,a shih Tzu, my uncle has a Shar Pei and my nanna's son has a Staffordshire bull terrier,she is ok I think,so I know them,though maybe if I were exposed to more dogs,I don't know.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Read some dog books (good ones though, not dominance thoery or train a puppy ones). Can only help to understand how they see the world more, you might find you've been acting threatening without knowing it or misreading things altogether.

  5. #5
    Knolishing Pob's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    I think it's sensible to be wary of some dogs.
    Staffies and other fighting type dogs should not be roaming around off a lead. In fact no dog should be off a lead on the road.
    "Danger" could be my middle name … but it's "John"

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    In my experience dogs are attracted to people who are nervous of them, and they will certainly be able to sense your fear. I think the only way to get over your fear is by being around dogs, learning to interact with them and handle them. Dogs are wonderful animals, once you know how to act around them

    If you have any questions I'd be happy to help out, either here on the thread or by PM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Quote Pob View Post
    dogs should not be roaming around off a lead. In fact no dog should be off a lead on the road.
    I fixed it for you. All dogs have the potential to be dangerous regardless of breed.

    Yes, it is sensible to be wary. But it shouldn't dominate your life.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Quote fiamma View Post
    In my experience dogs are attracted to people who are nervous of them, and they will certainly be able to sense your fear.
    That is very true. It's almost like they're so used to people being interested in and approaching them that when one isn't they pick up on it and are intrigued or something.

    Happy- it's funny you've had experience with a shar-pei and staffie, 2 of the scarier types of dogs, but still have such a strong fear. Is it something you want to get over or did you just want to hear other people who feel the same way? If it's something you want to get over maybe you could read a book on dog body language and then spend some time at a dog park? Dog's there are so busy playing with other dogs they don't want much to do with people... plus they're almost definitely all friendly!

    An ex-boss of mine had me read a few books and they were actually really interesting. The info in this one is very good, and there are tons of pictures which really helps: Canine Body Language: A Photographic Guide: Interpreting the Native Language of the Domestic Dog

    The copy I had was in desperate need of an editor, but the info was very good.
    Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty.

  9. #9
    hullabaloo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    I was going to say educate yourself about dog body language and behaviour. That way you will be able to understand dogs better and feel more confident around them. Dogs don't just bark to be dominant/aggressive. Sometimes it is the complete opposite and because they are nervous of you.

  10. #10
    Eat Y'self Fitter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    When I was a child I was bit a dog and spent a while being afraid of them. I must admit they still make me nervous, but I remind myself to stay calm when I'm around them and let them check me out. I get nervous when I ride past dogs when I'm cycling. I'm more worried about hitting and injuring a dogs than them biting or attacking me.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    You could get hypnotherapy?

  12. #12
    CATWOMAN sandra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Have you thought about looking after a dog in need of a home? That way you will see what it's like living day to day with a dog and hopefully you will be able to interact with them on a more normal basis.
    My children were brought up with dogs and cats around so they are at ease with them.
    I like Sandra, she keeps making me giggle. Daft little lady - Frosty

  13. #13
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Quote happy View Post
    If I am on the same side I will wait for the dog to pass away and then carry on walking.
    That must be very time consuming.

    Reading this has given me a good reminder to be more careful about not letting our dog pester visitors to our front door. It's easy to forget that other people might not appreciate being yapped at.

  14. #14
    CATWOMAN sandra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    I often miss the little dog who used to live with me when I have 'unwanted' visitors at the door! His bark was worse than his bite though!
    I like Sandra, she keeps making me giggle. Daft little lady - Frosty

  15. #15

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Quote Risker View Post
    Reading this has given me a good reminder to be more careful about not letting our dog pester visitors to our front door. It's easy to forget that other people might not appreciate being yapped at.
    In the 1960s, I used to be a rent collector in Sheffield and had to call on many households where there was a dog. It wasn't the yapping I minded, but Fido chewing my tibia. Invariably the pet 'owner' would say something like "He'll not hurt you, love. He's just being playful....!"

    I remember one house I was calling at, where a dog, the size of a donkey, tried chasing me, dragging his dog-house after him, as I fled head first over the hedge, to the refuge of the neighbouring house.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    It sucks to be scared of something so common. I know because I'm terrified of 90% of the bugs in the world. Sucks.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Fear of dogs

    Sorry I'm late,I don't think I'm being informed of replies.My mum told me to go to the door the other night and the dog was there barking at us,she said that he was barking because he was old,so perhaps he was wary of me.I feel very vulnerable,if I make a wrong move;I'm ok if I can walk by them and they are not too close on the pavement,it is when I know I have to walk up to them and see them coming that I get frightened.I don't know about body language there.

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