There I was, having a nice soya late in Costa's with my friend and this guy sitting at the table next to me started chatting to us.
He was saying how he always had to get up really early in the morning to catch the sun before they started to spray the sky.
Well, my friend and I looked at easch other, 'here's another nutter' we were both thinking, although I had to agree on one point, why is that it often is lovely and sunny early in the morning and then it goes all cloudy?
'Look it up on You Tube' was his advice and so, as soon as I got back home I did and I would advise everyone to as it is true and they are doing it all over the world.
Am so horrified, I saw three last night just outside my house making a huge mass of dirty cloud and can see several right now as I type this, out my window.
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