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Thread: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

  1. #1
    mangababe rianaelf's Avatar
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    Exclamation chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    There I was, having a nice soya late in Costa's with my friend and this guy sitting at the table next to me started chatting to us.
    He was saying how he always had to get up really early in the morning to catch the sun before they started to spray the sky.

    Well, my friend and I looked at easch other, 'here's another nutter' we were both thinking, although I had to agree on one point, why is that it often is lovely and sunny early in the morning and then it goes all cloudy?

    'Look it up on You Tube' was his advice and so, as soon as I got back home I did and I would advise everyone to as it is true and they are doing it all over the world.

    Am so horrified, I saw three last night just outside my house making a huge mass of dirty cloud and can see several right now as I type this, out my window.

    Check out these links:
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  2. #2
    Knolishing Pob's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Clouds are formed when warm wet air rises and cools, or meets cold air.
    Warm wet air is created by the sun heating the ground and evaporating water.

    Aircraft exhausts are very hot steam and carbon dioxide. They form lines of clouds as they cool in the cold upper air.
    "Danger" could be my middle name … but it's "John"

  3. #3
    mangababe rianaelf's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I know that!!
    but these clouds are different and the trails are not like ordinary trails that disappear quickly.

    I really wish it was as simple as that, i would love to be able to say that it was all jst a hoax, but I don't think it is, it seems very real to me.

    Why don't you check out the links and also the sky, especially early in the morning, watch sunshine disappear as the trails leave their dirty clouds
    holding onto the dream that we imagined and painted forever more:

  4. #4
    Knolishing Pob's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Surely if the trails were designed to affect the population on the ground they would be less likely to persist thousands of feet up. You would want your chemicals to descend to the ground as quickly as possible, as they can't have any effect way up there.

    Atmospheric conditions would affect how long contrails would persist.
    "Danger" could be my middle name … but it's "John"

  5. #5
    mangababe rianaelf's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote Pob View Post
    Surely if the trails were designed to affect the population on the ground they would be less likely to persist thousands of feet up. You would want your chemicals to descend to the ground as quickly as possible, as they can't have any effect way up there.

    Atmospheric conditions would affect how long contrails would persist.
    I don't think they are neccesarilly designed to affect the population, I think they are designed to affect the weather and deflect the sunlight, which they obviously do very well!

    Problem is, as they say, what goes up must come down, and the chemicals do leak back through to fall towards us.
    holding onto the dream that we imagined and painted forever more:

  6. #6

    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I've been looking at long lasting vapour trails since the 50s and 60s. They're normal.


  7. #7
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote rianaelf View Post
    Well, my friend and I looked at easch other, 'here's another nutter' we were both thinking
    You should have stuck with your initial assessment.

    Have you read the wikipedia page?

  8. #8
    mangababe rianaelf's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote Risker View Post
    You should have stuck with your initial assessment.

    Have you read the wikipedia page?
    'The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by government agencies and scientists around the world.'

    well ofcourse it has!
    what would you expect, them to tell the truth?

    I really wish I could agree but I think people generally don't like to admit to what is staring them in the face, it's so obvious it's not true kind of thing

    Why would a lady with all these qualifiications believe in a conspiracy theory?

    Anyway, I just thought people ought to know, whether they believe it is up to them.

    I didn't get up early enuf to catch the sun today although I did wake up for a little while and could see the sun streaming through the curtains, it's not now it's just cloudy, cloudy cloudy cloudy same thing every day
    holding onto the dream that we imagined and painted forever more:

  9. #9

    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    You'd think it would get in the newspapers or are they in on the plot too? Anyway to deflect anything that gets through, I'm going to start wearing my tinfoil balaclava when I go jogging in future, just in case.


  10. #10
    WoodRabbitTaoist's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I do not yet know if I believe in the reality of these chemtrails or not. This is the first time I have heard of it. Now that I have heard of it I do recall seeing these "chemtrails".

    Quote Pob View Post
    Surely if the trails were designed to affect the population on the ground they would be less likely to persist thousands of feet up. You would want your chemicals to descend to the ground as quickly as possible, as they can't have any effect way up there.
    Atmospheric conditions would affect how long contrails would persist.
    This is not a very good argument against it. The chemicals would not need to decend quickly to have an effect. Even if they decended slowly it could have just as much of an effect. There are many, many documented cases of people being slowly poisoned.

    Quote leedsveg View Post
    You'd think it would get in the newspapers or are they in on the plot too? Anyway to deflect anything that gets through, I'm going to start wearing my tinfoil balaclava when I go jogging in future, just in case.
    You would also think that the effect factory farming is having on the planet would get in the newspapers too, but it doesn't. And that's just one example. Think of all the things that profiteering coporations and people brainwashed by consumer culture are doing to the planet that you never even hear about.

    I think it's unwise to dismiss something so quickly without really looking into it.

    This is an interesting post rianaelf. Like I said I do not yet know if I believe it or not but it would certianly explain, at least in part, why the population at large seems to be becoming less and less aware and able to think clearly and with wisdom.
    Last edited by WoodRabbitTaoist; Dec 13th, 2010 at 02:11 AM. Reason: spelling corrections

  11. #11

    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote WoodRabbitTaoist View Post

    You would also think that the effect factory farming is having on the planet would get in the newspapers too, but it doesn't.
    Hi WRT

    Not sure if I've welcomed you to the forum but welcome anyway!

    If you google "factory farming", you'll find that the effects have been mentioned in newspapers. Readers may not have taken as much notice as we would like but that's a different point.

    Good wishes


  12. #12
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote WoodRabbitTaoist View Post
    This is an interesting post rianaelf. Like I said I do not yet know if I believe it or not but it would certianly explain, at least in part, why the population at large seems to be becoming less and less aware and able to think clearly and with wisdom.
    Does it? My impression is the opposite, at least in certain respects. For example, my guess is that it would be quite hard for a government to get people to fight in something like WWI now, whereas at the time most of the population just went along with it.

    Welcome, by the way!

  13. #13
    Johnstuff's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

  14. #14
    WoodRabbitTaoist's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Thanks for the warm welcome.
    Quote leedsveg View Post
    If you google "factory farming", you'll find that the effects have been mentioned in newspapers.
    Readers may not have taken as much notice as we would like but that's a different point.
    True enough. I guess my point was that those kind of things occupy such a small part of the media that it kind of gets lost in the jumble of other BS and people either don't notice or don't take it seriously.
    Quote harpy View Post
    Does it? My impression is the opposite, at least in certain respects. For example, my guess is that it would be quite hard for a government to get people to fight in something like WWI now, whereas at the time most of the population just went along with it.
    Maybe getting people to fight in wars isn't the goal.

  15. #15
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Quote WoodRabbitTaoist View Post
    Maybe getting people to fight in wars isn't the goal.
    Sorry, you've lost me - isn't whose goal?

    By putting forward that example I just meant that there is some evidence people are less willing to obey authority blindly than they were 100 years ago, and that suggests to me that they are not necessarily "becoming less and less aware and able to think clearly and with wisdom", as you said earlier in the thread.

  16. #16
    WoodRabbitTaoist's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Sorry Harpy, I misunderstood you.
    I'll try to give a better response but it will have to wait till this weekend when I have more time. You do have a good point. I'll have to think about it a bit.

  17. #17
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Any theories about chemtrails only work if the entire world and all airlines were in on it. All it would need would be one country to call it out. The world isn't unified enough to get away with such a conspiracy.

  18. #18
    Back-Space's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote Risker View Post
    Any theories about chemtrails only work if the entire world and all airlines were in on it. All it would need would be one country to call it out. The world isn't unified enough to get away with such a conspiracy.
    Well, I agree with you on that

  19. #19
    WoodRabbitTaoist's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote harpy View Post
    Does it? My impression is the opposite, at least in certain respects. For example, my guess is that it would be quite hard for a government to get people to fight in something like WWI now, whereas at the time most of the population just went along with it.

    Welcome, by the way!
    Ok. I've thought about it a bit, and I finally have time to sit down and give a reply.
    In the sense that you're talking about. Yes you are absolutley correct.
    By unaware I was talking more in the sense of how most people seem totaly unaware of the effects the crap food they eat affects their bodies and minds and things of that nature.
    But it doesn't really mattere any way because:
    Quote Risker
    Any theories about chemtrails only work if the entire world and all airlines were in on it. All it would need would be one country to call it out. The world isn't unified enough to get away with such a conspiracy.
    Unless..... Ahh never mind.

  20. #20
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Yes, I see what you mean, although I'd suggest that most of the crap food wasn't really around until relatively recently so the reason people didn't eat it might have been partly to do with non-availability as well as awareness of the harm it might do them?

  21. #21

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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I have lived in different places, and have observed chemtrails wherever I go. The levels of aluminum in our air, soil, and water are unexplainable. Watch the movie what in the world are they spraying and don't talk about the weather, on they are great films that answer pretty much any questions you have about chemtrails. And no they are not contrails, I have seen them in towns where there is no airport or military planes, and have seen them in the air turn on and off the sprayers, which pilots do not turn on and off their engines while flying.. I lived in a town where there was literally no clouds or rain and there was a blue sky everyday until the chemtrails started to appear, it was quite obvious for the first hour because they zig zagged thick everywhere but then after that they just looked like clouds to most people but in reality they were just spread out chemtrails, now that I live in a different city it is much less obvious because they spray in thin lines over the horizon to make it look more natural and most of our days our cloudy, and on the few sunny days we get there is immediate chemtrail action that covers the sky in as little as 8hours.. Its funny because you see regular airplanes come in and out of here all the time with no chemtrails of contrails, but chemtrail planes are a lot different and fly much, much higher.

    I see this thread is pretty old... I just love the topic of chemtrails..

  22. #22

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    Airplanes fly certain routes, so even if your town doesn't have an airport there can be traffic way up in the sky. And aluminum is one of the most common elements in nature. It is used as fuel in solid rocket boosters like on the space shuttle and other rockets. And many other applications. So if there should be an increase of the element on the surface or the air it is easily explained. I like a good consiperancy theory myself but chem trails is not one of them.

  23. #23

    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I imagine that these aircraft are piloted by extraterrestrials?


  24. #24

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    ^ or at least they are spelling out messages in the sky for them that can only be read from space, a bit like the Nazca Lines.

  25. #25

    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote CoolCat View Post
    ^ or at least they are spelling out messages in the sky for them that can only be read from space, a bit like the Nazca Lines.
    So that explains the writing I saw in the sky last week:

    !MOM IH


  26. #26

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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Con-trails are the trails that leave aircrafts and last for a few seconds, chemtrails can last hours!

    they were created by a guy called... Teller? He was the guy who also helped with the idea for the hydrogen bomb. He put forward an idea that spraying metals into the sky would help to cool the planet down. Chemtrails were created for geo-engineering purposes, which is one of the reasons the whether is so out-of-whack lately and why everybody's immune system is so manked up.

  27. #27
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote staycee1 View Post
    which is one of the reasons the whether is so out-of-whack lately and why everybody's immune system is so manked up.
    Not pollution and eating crap then? All those idiot scientists must have it all wrong.
    "I don't want to live on this planet any more" - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

  28. #28

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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    The trails in the sky (not calling them chem trails heh) are actually trapping heat. They work/are like clouds and in places like hubs or around airports might be frequent enough to increase the temperature.

  29. #29

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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    Quote Risker View Post
    Not pollution and eating crap then? All those idiot scientists must have it all wrong.
    Chemtrails does contribute to pollution. And they are a factor - i wasn't saying it was the only reason. There really is no need to get so crappy, is there? :/

  30. #30

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    Exclamation Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    I haven't read many of the comments on this thread but YES!, ChemTrails, otherwise known as geo-engineering or weather manipulation ARE A REALITY IN OUR WORLD!!!!

    Governments/Corporations are spraying the skies to manipulate the weather for various reasons. In addition to their use in warfare situations, it seems (in my view based on documentary evidence I've seen that ChemTrails are used (probably by corporations linked to organisations like Monsanto to manipulate the weather so that farmers crops fail, which in time will bankrupt the small farmer and he will sell his land cheaply, which means Monsanto can buy the land and raise their GM-crops. For any remaining farmers suffering from the 'poor weather' Monsanto will sell them specific GM seeds which will grow crops resistant to the specific weather encountered. Eg, fungal-resistant etc. Not only this but the plants arising from such GM-seeds only thrive 1 year and are engineered NOT to self-seed (produce seed) meaning that the farmer will have to buy the same seeds again from Monsanto year after year. This is what is happening in the US. We supposedly don't have GM-crops (legally) in the UK but Monsanto does grow here - they even supply WAITROSE!!! As I read this thread I was about to write a letter to my local organic vegetable grower to discuss this very topic.

    I suggest everyone search on the net for as much info as possible.

    I highly recommend buying a copy of "Why in the World Are They Spraying?" and making copies to distribute to anyone and everyone you can. The filmmakers even advocate copying to get word out there.

    Here's a link to the producer's site to buy a copy

    However you can watch a copy free online here

    I've also just come across this...

    On a slightly different topic but along similar lines as these insidious ChemTrails, I recommend viewing a copy of:

    "Thrive - What on earth will it take " by Foster Gamble - watch it free online here

    "Ethos" - watch it free online here (hosted by vegan Woody Harrelson ) -

    There are many other excellent documentaries out there dealing with the illusion of our reality. Once you start exploring the reality of what's going on you realise how much propaganda we've been dished out and that there are things happening behind the scenes that governments (who are in the back pockets of corporations and the big bankers) don't want us to know. Only by researching and assessing the facts ourselves can we even begin to get close to the truth of what is happening in our world right now. It's important we explore these issues even if they, at first, seem far-fetched.

    Happy (or not) watching!

  31. #31

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    Default Re: chem trails does anyone else know about these?

    For anyone that would like more information / evidence about what is going on in our skies, please check out this campaign - .


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