After Chelsea Clinton's vegan friendly wedding earlier this year, there's now more news about the Clinton family and eating vegan. Apparently Bill Clinton is now experimenting with a near vegan diet - for health reasons, and has been doing that since before his daughter's wedding.
It's interesting to see how various sites present this info. According to, Clinton goes "Vegetarian And Dairy-Free For Chelsea’s Very Vegan Wedding". posts an interview with Clinton, here: President Bill Clinton discusses his near-vegan diet .
According to, former president Clinton goes vegan , even if he hasn't really done that (yet?), but at least they know he is a former president, unlike the writers at, who calls him 'president Bill Clinton'. At least where, I live, we stop calling people presidents when they aren't presidents anymore. But maybe that's just here?
According to a source mentioned here, "Clinton decided to adopt the diet in the early part of May. While he does occasionally eat fish, the former president otherwise follows a strict vegan diet." And "According to our source, Clinton has read many books on the topic, including books by [Ph. D] T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn [MD] and Dr. Dean Ornish. Although losing weight was a benefit of the dietary change, the choice to go vegan was about more than just losing weight."
The article continues:
It's always good news when someone goes vegan or near vegan. Some people are more influential than others, and Clinton (influenced by respected people like Campbell, Esseltyn and Ornish) could make a big difference in terms of making veganism more widespread.“I’ve never known him not to say what’s on his mind,” says our source. “And he knows quite a bit and likely has a lot to say about the benefits of a vegan diet. He has read The China Study, and he knows the issues. With time, I think it’s likely he could become the most outspoken proponent of a complete vegan diet.”"