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Thread: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

  1. #1

    Default Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    Hi, I'm not confident using forums, so I hope I have put this in the right place

    My lovely vegan friend Molly has been running a cat sanctuary ''Feline Care'' in Norfolk for the last few years on next to nothing.

    Now the owners no longer want the responsibility and have given the ultimatum to find £70,000 to become a charity in it's own right and buy the land where the centre is built or the sanctuary will be closed.

    Not only will it be a knock to the many cats that need rescuing locally, but it is also desperately sad news for the resident cats that are to old, ill or unhomeable.

    As of today 20/09/11 they still need to raise £23000

    Please help, any amount big or small are so very very much appreciated.

    Donate here at charity choice:

    Feline Care Facebook page:

    Article on Feline Care in dissexpress:

  2. #2
    baffled harpy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    Will try and chip in but was wondering, could Molly affiliate herself with Cats' Protection or similar, maybe? Think it's sometimes easier for larger charities to fundraise?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    Thank you for the advice, very much appreciated and will pass it on.

    Please spread the word and if you have a facebook account please like their page.

    The more people that know the better. If 23000 people gave a £1 they'd be saved

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    oh thats so sad,poor moggies.
    Let us know what happens

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    Quote angelina1104 View Post
    Thank you for the advice, very much appreciated and will pass it on.

    Please spread the word and if you have a facebook account please like their page.

    The more people that know the better. If 23000 people gave a £1 they'd be saved
    I went there to link with my FB page but it said it could not be viewed from a secure browser. I didn't know I was using a secure browser - I've got firefox - and what makes this FB page so different? Any answers from anymore techy than me? I'd like to help. Some people I know on another forum use this website for fundraising: but they do charge.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    Mighty strange, I tried the link again and it worked as normal ????????/

  7. #7

    Default Re: Animal sanctuary for hard to home cats needs help

    lol I'm always having trouble with facebook. I'm really not tech savvy

    Feline care had an event to raise money this weekend, and did amazingly well.

    They raising £5,305.30 It really does give me faith again in human beings, as this is just outstanding.

    At present the total raised in the last few months is £56,126

    Leaving just under £14,000 to go.

    I so hope the owners realise how hard Molly and all the amazing helpers are working to raise this money.

    Especially as it's on top of looking after all the animals.

    Fingers crossed Feline Care can achieve this, or at least I hope the owners extend the date to allow Feline Care a bit more time to raise the necessarily funds.

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