Howdy. I'm a new vegan as of 3 weeks ago and things have been okay so far, but I've noticed a lot of the cheap things I'm finding to add into my diet like: Noodles, rice, some whole wheat bread products, and even some low fat snacks. They all have an abundance of carbohydrates. How many carbs are really okay to eat being vegan. I know the difference between good and bad carbs. Complex carbs and the like. Be in mind though I am still very new to the vegan diet so I'm still doing a lot of research on things to eat and recipes to try out.
Oh and some background info might help. I am a 23 year old dude who is in athletic shape and I live with my folks who are slowly adjusting their diet to be a little more vegan, but not as much as myself.
I know since I'm still a pretty young guy my health isn't in question, but I turned to being vegan after watching a movie called, Forks over Knives, and also after doing a lot of research online. I know I could eat more fat and carbohydrates because I'm young and active, but I'd still like some guidelines from some experienced vegans like you fine folks
To state my question again, how much is too much carbohydrates. A lot of the cheaper vegan food I'm finding is just loaded with carbs so I'm kinda stressing on finding adequate foods to eat on a daily basis. (other than the usual raw foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts)
I am still constantly doing research and looking through threads and other forums for information, but I would appreciate some advice if you feel so inclined. Thank you