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Thread: Vegan Food Entrepreneur - Portland OR Area

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Iowa City, Iowa USA

    Default Vegan Food Entrepreneur - Portland OR Area

    I sold a vegan cafe in small midwestern city earlier this year. I want to spin off my most popular product, and get it into Portland area grocery stores and farmer's markets SOON. I've done this all on a small scale, but now it's time to go BIG.

    I'm looking for a business partner. Be vegan, self-directed, multi-talented and awesome. You should be willing/able to work in a startup capacity for 2-5 years.

    I excel at the nuts and bolts of getting work done. You should be comfortable working with food, but more important are marketing skills (or a burning desire to learn) and everything involved in building a brand from the ground up. Small start, big finish.

    If you're really interested, tell me about yourself.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Vegan Food Entrepreneur - Portland OR Area

    Hey! You still looking for help?

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